showing the new people around

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It was the next day, and Shio had already introduced himself to the new kids of The Valley. He let them sleep in his home for now, and when the sun came up, he would be too busy with his group of kids wanting to be gatherers, so he would have to hand them over to someone else to show them around. While yes, he did want to be the one to really welcome them into The Valley, his first priority was the little ones.

**Shio's POV:**

The sun had finally come up, and I had woken up the new ones to The Valley when I heard someone knock on my door. I opened it to see one of the little ones, Izuku. He looked at me as he hopped on his feet.

"Good morning, Papa. Are the new people awake yet? Are you going to be the one showing them around and introducing them to the others? Who are they going to share a home with for now?" Izuku began before I raised my hand to speak.

"Good morning to you as well, Izuku. But please do remember that you have to give people time to answer the questions you ask," I said as I placed a hand on his curly dark green hair. "And to answer some of yours: yes, they are awake, no, I am too busy today to show them around, and we will have to decide where they will stay later." I answered his questions.

"Oh, ok Papa!" Izuku said, nodding to me.

"How did you even know we had new people, Izuku?" I asked him, remembering Kye telling me and Mimi that he thinks Izuku was a Cryptid.

"I wanted to get a late-night drink and saw them with Kye and his group heading here," he explained to me. And it made sense; the little ones would sometimes get thirsty at night and go get a drink. It's the reason we have two people from the patrol group by the river to make sure no one gets hurt getting a drink at night.

"Ok, thank you for explaining, Izuku," I said, giving him a smile. "Now go along and get ready for your group's practice. After all, you need to keep practicing to get better."

"Ok, Papa!" Izuku smiled brightly at me and ran to go do what he needed to do.

I turned to the new people, their names going through my head before I spoke. "Now today, you will be shown around by someone, and it can't be me as you heard me tell Izuku. I am too busy, so I will have to hand you all over to someone else." I looked at all of them; the one with black hair, Luna, looked sad at something. "Why are you upset, Luna?" I asked her.

"How... how old is he?" She asked me sadly.

"Izuku?" I questioned. She nodded, showing that is who she meant.

"Izuku is five years old currently. The ages here range from the youngest being four, that being Minow, all the way up to the oldest, seventeen, and that is Idori," I explained to her, and in exchange, the other four as well.

They all seemed shocked at what I had just told them, which is understandable. As young as a lot of the 'little kids' are, it can be very shocking for people.

"Now, we should go. I have a person who should be able to show you all around," I said, holding my door open for them, letting them all walk out.

After they got out, I started to lead them to where the little ones learning to be in the 'Day patrol' group are. The person I had in mind would only be watching today instead of instructing, so they should have time to show the new ones around.

"Oh Shio, who are they?" Mimi asked as she walked up to me.

"They are newcomers to The Valley. Who is teaching your group today?" I asked after explaining.

"Oh, I have Tomao teaching them today. They are learning how to land safely from different heights, not too high because they are still young," Mimi explained to me, helping me understand better.

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