Izuku Showing Up And Vanishing As He Practice Sneaking Around.

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Izuku's POV: The Next Day

I woke up before the sun again and went to get a drink. I said hi to Sema, who was usually the night patrol person standing by the river. I liked looking at the stars as I waited for the sun to come up; they were very pretty. As I drank, a thought came to my head, *I wonder how sneaky I am. Let's see how good I am!*

I smiled and nodded at my plan. It would help me learn to sneak and help others stay alert. *It helps everyone, so it is a good idea,* I thought. I got up and wandered around while waiting for the sun to rise. Soon the day people would wake up, and the night people would go to sleep.

After a bit, the sun came up, and Papa started his day. That meant the leftovers from dinner would be brought out soon, so we could eat before lessons. I was sitting under a tree, bored, so I grabbed a book and tried to balance it on my head. It was too dark to read, but it would be light enough soon. I waved at Papa when he saw me. He waved back and went to Kye to talk about something. I think it was to see how the night patrol went and if they saw any quirks nearby. I hoped they didn't—unless it was Mr. Eraserhead or Mr. Mic, but Papa would tell us if it was them.

I smiled and began to sneak over to them. I wanted to see how close I could get before they noticed me. Even if I didn't get close, I would learn something. I hid behind trees and made sure not to step on anything that would give me away. I wanted to get as close as I could to Papa and Kye before they noticed me. I could now somewhat hear them talking as I got closer.

"No sightings still? That's good. But keep an ear out for the sounds. If we can't track it, we need to be wary and prepared for anything," I heard Papa tell Kye in a serious voice.

"We will. I'll leave it to you to relay the information to Mimi so her group can keep an eye out too. Hopefully, we can catch it soon," Kye responded. I stopped for a bit, taking my time and not rushing in.

"That I will. Remember, none of the little ones know," Papa said before being cut off.

"Izuku might. I swear he's a cryptid; he knows things he shouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about this before we were prepared enough to tell the little kids," Kye said to Papa.

"I know you think that, but Izuku is still a little kid. He won't know about this. We've made sure not to say anything near him," Papa said to Kye before taking a long breath.

I was beside them now, hidden behind a tree. I was very proud of myself for getting this close without them knowing. "Hi, Papa! Hi, Kye!" I said happily as I jumped out from where I was hiding. I saw them jump before turning to me.

"Oh! Izuku, how long have you been there?" Papa asked.

"A few minutes, I think?" I guessed. "Papa, I have a question. What is the sound you guys are trying to find?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Told you, Shio," Kye said to Papa with a grin.

Papa didn't answer him and bent down to talk to me. "We don't know yet, Izuku. That's what we're trying to find out. Hopefully, soon we will know, and we hope it's safe for us. Do you understand?"

I thought for a bit before nodding. "We don't know the strange noise, and you are trying to make sure it's safe?" I asked to see if I understood. I think I did, as Papa just nodded.

No One's POV

That's how Izuku spent the next two weeks: sneaking around, accidentally scaring some and making others laugh at their friends for jumping when Izuku 'popped up out of nowhere.' He found it very fun. He took breaks during lessons but did it whenever they had free time and even during meal times, happy to be having fun. He even startled Akumu when she went to get a drink from the river, making her fall into the shallow end. He apologized, saying he didn't mean to scare her and helped her up, apologizing again as he did so.

???'s POV

I sat in the trees, watching the group of kids. I've been watching them for a few days now, wondering what they were doing in the forest. Seeing such young kids in the forest, none of them with any parents, made me very upset. I kept my hood over my eyes as I watched them. I've had a few close encounters with the group that seemed to patrol the forest. However, I have survived outside longer. I moved my hair out of the way so I could see better.

I saw a small child walk up and accidentally scare another at the river and then help them up. It looked like they were apologizing to the one they had scared. I will keep an eye on them for a bit longer. I need to know more before I make myself known. In the meantime, I have other things that need to be done. I turned around and disappeared into the trees.

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