Chapter ten- A burden.

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Severus sat in front of his fire place a book in his lap not even touched or open. He's just staring into the flames mixing together.

He couldn't tell her yet could he? No he couldn't. She'd hate him. She'd run for the fields! Anything to be away from him.

He looked down at his arm and rolled his sleeve up. The dark mark was still showing. Yes it was faded, it forever was faded now, but it was stained on him like a tattoo. It was a burden he had to carry ans that was his fault. His doing. No one could love him. Yes some people like McGonagall and Harry understood him and they supported him when he needed it. But he wasn't allowed in areas that either the owners or anyone for that matter allowed him.

He wasnt allowed in many places but he was allowed in some. Like shops to buy his daily needs and places that the people inside owned loved him, for risking his life and saving basically everyone if he had not helped and protected Harry Potter.

Still, it was something no one could love him for.

He loved Celeste. He really did. He loved how she looked in the snow. How happy she was when she was with him. When she went inside the restaurant even though it wasnt as fancy as she maybe had hoped for. He loved how she was. She seemed as if she didnt care if he was rich and wealthy. It was like she just enjoyed being with him.

It scared him.

He'd ruin that as soon as he told her and showed her his deepest regrets. The burden he holds on his arm.

She couldn't love him.

She couldn't.

He was everything a woman wouldn't want in a man like him.

Sure he was kind and gentle, but he isnt like that always. He's cruel, cold-hearted and basically hated by everyone besides her.

How could someone so sweet enjoy being with someone whose so none showing? He barely even talked. She mostly did.

How could she just sit across from him and smile like it was nothing? Like he wasnt dangerous!

But she didnt know anything.

Not yet anyway.

Maybe not ever. He wants her to be unknowing of what he wants once. He'll just have to hide it from her like he always did in them nights of lust.

Being secretive was his only good skill that came in use these days anyway.

To hide that awful mark he once took so much pride in as a child.

A child is what he was before everything.

Short but good in a way??

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