Catch flights not feelings

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I woke up being blinded by the beautiful sun shining into Chris' room with a sweaty lump still snoring next to me. Chris was still lightly sleeping just tossing and turning now and again, too afraid to disturb him I bring myself to get up and prepare myself for the cold walk to the kitchen. I sit upright and untuck my top from my shorts.. well chris' shorts and stretch out before my cozy body was hit by a colder breeze swirling around the room. I grabbed my favourite cow printed mug and brew a coffee to prepare myself for a long day knowing I still have a few things I need to pack. I hear some mumbles and groans coming from the hallway and the heaviest footsteps coming from such a small guy before some pale arms were finding their way through the gaps in my arms and holding tightly onto my waist.

"I hope you've made one for me" he groggily says fluffing his perm out. My god he looked good with messy hair and a low toned voice in the morning with nothing but a pair of grey shorts of, showing me exactly what I want to see.
"The kettle is still warm, help yourself! I have too much to do today I'm already stressing" I replied.
"Why are you stressing? Everything is good and we will be at the hotel soon where we can really switch off and relax! I have 2 videos scheduled, one to go up today and one on Thursday and we will make sure yours are ready too, my editor says he can take care of it so that's already one problem eliminated"
"Thank youuuu, I really need the help! I just worry I don't pack enough or forget something important." Knowing me I'll always forget something but at least I have someone that's looking out for me.
"Anything you forget I'll buy it for you over in Mykonos" he said giving my hip a little squeeze.

I was ready to head home not long after we finished our coffee so that I had a chance to pack the rest of my stuff before I would then meet Chris on the plane. He was going with all the boys and I was going with the ladies. JJ wanted us all to be there for his birthday and for his new song release so it's a joint celebration. When he told us our flights were paid for and accommodation we couldn't really grumble could we...
Talia, Mia, Freya, Faith, Ellie and Emily all headed to my apartment because I was running SO behind! Their excitement showed from the minute they walked in and Talia with 2 suitcases for a 3 day trip showed exactly how similar we are.
"I'm not helping you carry that when you realise 2 suitcases was a bad idea" I chimed.
"Fuuuuck saaaake, I've not thought about that when we get to Mykonos I'll have to wheel it into the hotel by myself." She laughed
"I've never known anyone to pack as much shit as you. Aw I just cannot wait to be away in the sun, this is going to be such a good holiday for us all, let's hope our rooms aren't next to y/n's..." Freya snorted.
"I'll be asking to move if that's the case, I've heard the stories from Vik" Ellie joined in with the joke.
"Hey I am notttt like that at all. I'm still a virgin" I didn't even know how to reply, god knows what they've heard.
"No bathroom sex on the boat please, I might need to pee after a Prosecco" Freya clapped back.
"I am gobsmacked. I couldn't help it. A girl has needs"  I said with the biggest eye roll.

All of us girls arrived at the airport and made our way through security before we then grabbed some coffee's to keep up going for this flight, Mia packed some face masks and skincare sets for us to do together on the plane and a deck of cards to keep us occupied, it's a cute idea but I know I'm going to crash and fall asleep within an hour of flying. It helps pass the time and distract me from the fact I'm in a floating metal tin with wings I suppose. We meet up with the whole gang at the seating area near the gate, we still had roughly 10 minutes before the gate opened and we were already being bombarded by excited fans, some of them being on the same flight as us. We took a few photos and the taller, brunette fan asked for a photo with me so Chris offered to take it before we had to check he had taken us at a good angle.
"Wow he sure knows how to take a photo of us, I love this pic." The girl stated, eyes ecstatic and still in a little disbelief.
"I love that one too, he really got a good picture, that's surprising cause his fingers usually cover the lense or it's taken from a height of 3 foot." We both laughed while Chris seemed offended but smirked at the quick wit.
"Can you send me that on Instagram? I might use this for a photo dump"
"Of course" she was right on her phone straight away and it was already in my dms.

We boarded the flight and mummy Mia had all of our boarding passes and started handing them out.... I unfolded mine, I unfolded it again, I unfolded it again and once more I unfolded it.
"You bitch. I'm not handing that over" I said with a bright red face, Mia had printed mine out on what was definitely an A1 piece of paper about the height of me. The whole group burst into laughter which was echoing around the airport leaving a few people staring in confusion. Fair to say I was mortified.
"Hi there, can I please scan your boarding oh." The nice man behind the desk asked.
"I've been royal stitched up, I am so sorry."
"It's not the first time I've seen this, you'll just have to get revenge in Mykonos then."
"Oh I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." I did eventually join in with laughing but it was through gritted teeth. I tried to catch up with everyone but my bag was really slowing me down.
"Here, give me that, come on." Chris said, taking my hand luggage and stepping aside so I could walk in-front of him to keep up. I turned my head and glanced back at him giving a little laugh from what's literally just unfolded, his eyes averted from my arse back up to my eyes and gave me a smile.

I got settled into my first class boujee seat and next to me with a divider separating us was Tobi, the best person to be next to when you have a slight fear of flying. He started talking me through what all the noises and beeping means and told me to imagine I'm floating in jelly with little air pockets. He truly is a gem of a man but it wasn't helping too much so he decided to disappear for a few minutes when the seatbelt sign came off. I put my headphones in and shut my eyes and tried to relax to bring my heart rate down so I could just chill out and stop the panicking. Tobi's little face appears from the corner of my half shut eye and he's with the fittest curliest hair boy... no not Harry... Chris.

"Here... I brought you two of your favourite things, booze and boys." Tobi said handing me 2 tins of vodka cocktails.
"Tobiiiiii, thank you thank you thank you!! You can't be seen buying any other vodka than xix, terrible behaviour from you." I said giggling, so appreciative of him for looking out for me.
"I got you, we are going to swap seats so now I'm stuck with Jj so you owe me. Don't let the guys know I bought you that, they'll have my head! Enjoy" he threw a peace sign up and turned back to a few rows behind me.
"You're alright, nothing to be worried about, anything I can help with? Shall we do a face mask with the girlies." Chris said peacing and pouting like a true girlie which did distract me. "Yeah.. sure, my heart rate is through the roof, never normally this nervous I just have a weird gut feeling about this trip but not a bad way." I say whilst fidgeting with my hands trying to get my bag from above in the overhead bins.
"Let me help, come here you."
Chris stood behind me and put my bag onto my chair before ushering me to turn around and gave me a juicy juicy kiss... INFRONT OF EVERYONE. Let me tell you though, that was exquisite, distraction 10/10, steaminess 9/10, horniness 10000/10.
"Mommy? Daddy?" Ellie pipes up
"Mile high club next for yous?" Simon chimes on
"You guys like bathroom sex already... don't you?" Talia eggs everyone on.
"Shut your darn mouths" I have no other reaction, I felt so calm, so happy and I ended up laughing too, both of us bright red.
"Chris you're supposed to lower my heart not raise it." I say with a blushed face.
"I'm not even sorry, you just looked like you needed a bit of reassurance." He said looking so carefully at me, analysing my body language to see if I felt better.
"Well I feel distracted"

The girls all got our face masks on, Talia smearing all the extra lotion from the pack onto mine and Chris skin.
"Cant have you looking dry and cracked before you become a g..."
"Become a what?" I asked Talia with an odd face upon me.
"Before you become a greasy mess after being in the hot sun and professional photos on the boat, need you looking your best." She quickly replied before turning to Mia and looking at her.
"Oh that's just meannnnn, I'm sure you'll end up as greasy as me we have the same skin type silly billy. Let me sleep, I need to pass the time." I said. Before getting comfy in my make do bed on the flight, Chris snapped a picture of us with our face masks on looking spooky, we then tried selecting Mamma Mia as our inflight entertainment but they ended up SO out of sync. Chris took a photo of me half sleeping which also caught me off guard, I know I 100% looked horrendous and scary. He took hold of my hand and was stroking it now and again which just made me dose off eventually, feeling a lot better than how I first did when I got on the plane.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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