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I woke up to a groan from the body next to me, clearly feeling a little hungover, I chimed in too and stretched my whole body and faced myself towards Chris. He gave a small smile before my heart skipped a beat realising my make up from last night is probably half off my face and the rest on his pillow, probably have mascara under my eyes and most definitely have death breath. As I internally panic he's already smiling at me.
"Good morning" he said.
"Good morning. Fancy seeing you here." I replied
"I feel so hungover I regret drinking so much, my heads banging" he said with a little groan from the pain he's in.
"Yeah I don't feel so big or clever today, I do know what helps headaches though..." I said with a small smirk on my face rubbing at his defined and cosy torso.
"Hmmm I think I like where this is going." He replied shifting even closer to me until his hands were placed on the sides of my face. He leans in for a deep fiery kiss which got stronger with each second.
I got up and straddled him as he lay there with his hands attached to my hips, kissing softly over and over, he kept pulling at my t-shirt indicating he wanted that off of me asap. I crossed my arms and took each side of the T-shirt before pulling it over my head and threw it next to me. I kept shifting the weight of my body over his grey shorts to tease him a little, he was letting small moans escape his house, I started to pull down on the hem of his shorts... until there was a knock at the front door and we could hear a "hellooo" from the front of chris' apartment. Fuck.

I grabbed my t-shirt and a pair of shorts that were lying on the ground and hurried to put them on
"Fuck what do I do? I don't want to get caught" I said as my heart was palpitating.
"The spare room is two doors down, if you're quick enough he won't be round the corner yet to be able to see you" Chris replied, finding amusement in this. I didn't even reply to him I just made a b line straight for the spare room. I ruffled the covers a little to make it seem like I'd slept here but my dress was still in Chris' room... shit.

"Alright mate how you feeling today??" Freezy said as chirpy as ever.
"Uh yeah good, got a headache but nothing major. Good night eh?" I heard Chris mumble through the walls.
"Yeah man was so sick tbh, did you leave with a certain someone...?" Freezy asked with a smirk.
"Oh erm no I walked y/n out and made sure she met her friends then she went to a club and I came home." Chris said trying not to delve too deeply into a lie.
"So who's dress is that then? You dirty dog"
"Oh she was at the club near here and I just said she can stay in the spare room" Chris replied again realising Freezy is slowly catching on.
"You didn't answer my question, why's her dress in here then?"
"She was really drunk and I gave her a tshirt to put on then put her to bed..." Chris said as if it was a question.
I hoped Freezy would buy the lie but it was mainly mumbles to me so I had no idea what was being said really. I heard footsteps approach the spare room so I get under the blanket that was ruffled on top of the bed and act like I'm just waking up.
"See, she's still sleeping. Nothing happened bro" Chris said as he stepped into the room.
"Good morning little one, rough hangover??"
"Yeah I'm really feeling it today. How was your night?" I asked deflecting anymore questions about last night.
"Yeah decent, me and the mrs ended up in soho for an after party. You guys coming to film with us today at the pitch?" Freezy asked looking hopeful that we will both be there.
"Yeah, Tobi and JJ text to ask if I'll come help out and film but I need food and a shower, I feel rank" I said as I brushed my hands over my arms wiping away my sins from the night before.
"Cool I'll see you guys then." Freezy replied before heading downstairs to his own flat.
Chris had offered me breakfast but I really just wanted home, Chris walked me down to the parking lot and gave me a tight and longing hug, his arms snaked around my hips and glided across my body as we both let go. We said our goodbyes before I got in my car and headed home to get ready for an afternoon of filming. He let me know he really enjoyed his night and was super grateful I attended the party. I can't help but want more of whatever that was last night.

ChrisMD short storyWhere stories live. Discover now