Y/n took a small bow before adopting a fighting stance.

The two high schoolers stared down each other waiting for the other to move like a crappy spaghetti western cliche.

Suddenly Y/n ducked under a roundhouse kick and he grabbed a punch from the rainbow haired girl.

He kicked at her leg which she  flinched at before trying to sweep Y/n's leg. However Y/n's legs were too big and tough for her knock down. 

The secret vigilante turned around and threw her over her shoulder.

The girl landed with a grunt and tried to get up for another fight but she instead found herself being pinned to the ground with her arm behind her and her face on the ground.

Y/n had just pinned her down with her arm in the air and his foot on her back

Y/n: Give up ?

Rainbow haired girl: Never!

Y/n merely shrugged and rolled his eyes before the rainbow colored girl managed to kick him in the face and push her off him.

With her opponent distracted, the rainbow haired girl twisted the tables and pinned Y/n to the floor before wrapping him in a triangle choke hold.

Y/n felt the girl's admittedly strong legs wrapped around his head and try squeezing the air out of him.

However Y/n was used to this form of attack, being a vigilante for three years now has allowed him to face different kinds of villains.

One being someone who fights with their legs often, he would normally find himself being choked out like this.

However this rainbow haired girl could not be paired up with that villain at all in strength. So Y/n was able to break out of that choke hold pretty easily.

Y/n grasped his hand onto the girl's throat and pins her down with his knee on her waist. He had a steady and serious gaze.

Y/n: As I said.........surrender.

Begrudgingly, the rainbow girl huffed with a peeved yet obviously amazed face.

Rainbow haired girl: Fine.

Y/n removed his hand from her throat and stood up. He gave her his hand as she looked at him with confusion.

Eventually she took it as he helped her stand up right. The girl looked at him with an amazed face on her as her eyes seemed to sparkle from amazement.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I feel we got off on the wrong foot here, I'm Y/n. I'm new here.

Rainbow dash: Name's Rainbow dash, the coolest student in Canterlot High. You're pretty good at karate there, maybe you should join the Karate club.

Y/n: Heh, I'll think about it. Anyway, I gotta get going, I still got some places to see before having to get to my fourth period.

Rainbow Dash: Alright then, see you around, Y/n.

The teenager smiles, puts on back his jacket and shoes before exiting the gym and leaving. Rainbow dash crosses her arms before looking back at the door.

Rainbow Dash: What an awesome dude, hope I get to talk to  him sometime.


We cut to later as Y/n was exploring more of the school, he was walking down the halls when he sensed something.

It was an feeling he has whenever he was in Vigilante mode.

His ears would twitch as if to pick up something, his nose became much more sensitive like he was a blood hound.

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