To my dear...

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Before we begin, this is a girl speaking to you as the main character you are listening to her message. This takes place after ANHS in university. You are listening to this. Please vote and give feedback.
"Hi, I know this is sudden. I know that you probably don't want to hear anything about me but, I'm doing good. I know you are too. Your Instagram stories show me that, your Snapchat stories tell me that you are happy. Well, to be honest I expected you and I to get over this by now. That after a few weeks we would... we would put this all behind us.

I would be here, expecting you to come back and we can continue like this was an episode we had to go through. That this was a test, honestly I don't know... I expected so much from you and I expected us to be so happy. I wished for us to be so happy you know? I think god didn't answer my prayers... I wish... I would have actually tried harder.

I wanted you to try harder, I know I said actions meant everything. I get that you could only express yourself with words. It's not as if you were that good in expressing yourself to me in the first place. It's just... was it really that easy for us to leave each other?

I see... it's not as if you and I left eachother. I left you because I wasn't ready. I looked at you and I thought I saw nothing when in the beginning I saw everything. When I looked at you after you told me you liked me, I saw something change. We weren't friends anymore and I felt like I needed to accept it.

I feel like we rushed it but to be honest, if it's willed then let it happen you know? We meet people and sometimes we expect them to stay but they leave. I left, not going to say that it is entirely my fault but I think you know what I mean by that. I'm tired of you playing the victim, I will admit that I was overly jealous but did you do anything to reassure me? I hate that you were so nonchalant... it's not as if I asked for much but I guess I should have heeded your words. Communicated and told you what I wanted, but I did tell you... it's hard for me to trust. It's much harder for me to trust you when you act against my expectations.

What happened? In the beginning we seemed so in love and I felt so happy. I guess we both changed but who am I to say anything about you? I know myself the best, I know my worth. You should know yourself too but I guess I expected too much from you too.

I think I've gone on a tangent there but I had to get that out of my system. You know... because this wasn't meant to happen right? I'm much more mature than this, letting the relationship end, I'm just apologetic because you were my first love and you told me that you would be my last.

I know you wanted to dance around in our own little kitchen, live in our own house and wake up in the morning next to me for the rest of our lives. I know that and at one point I wanted that. So, if down the road we meet again and the unexpected happens. The same way I fell in love with you happens, where a single conversation sparked our love... we can try again but to that point. Would you say we already ran our course?

I lost many hours of sleep worrying about you, but I guess that isn't exactly what you to hear right now. I am leaving this message to say that... we can't go on like this. I think you know that you are still in love with me. Just face it, we both fell for an idealised version of each other and I hate that I let love blind me. We both know we weren't meant to be together and I accept that but do you?

I don't think you are over me right now, but some people take a lot longer to get over someone compared to others. I guess looking back at it now when I told you we could be friends and try again down the road that was a bit cruel. However, this was the first time I got into a relationship and ended one.

Hey... I won't ever get back together with you now. I know about what I said earlier... but I'm going to repeat myself after I ended our relationship. I won't fall for someone who is so manipulative. Looking back on it now it wasn't fair to you I guess to end our relationship through text when you were going through a tough time.

I guess I was afraid that if I met you in person... I guess... hahhh... Nevermind.

Goodbye, take care of yourself."
Thanks for reading, I've lost all motivation. So to give you a brief understanding of why. The inspiration behind this story is my relationship with my ex. What words I think she would say to me after months of no contact if she knew what I was going through right now. Kiyotaka is obviously the main character of course but you take the reins as if you are the one affected. The girl saying this to you or the boy depending on your preference is up to you. So you are the main character, my thoughts about what would be said to me are your thoughts now. You are kiyotaka, I am me. You are us, I hope you understand.

Please tell me which girl out of COTE you picked to say this to you.

Please vote and give feedback and have a blessed day.

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