LXXVI. The Doom of Death

Start from the beginning

With a nod, Daryl hurries off to fetch a blanket and pillow, his movements swift and purposeful. As Daryl returns with the requested items, Michonne and Rick lend their support, helping Carl to his feet while Madeleine lays out the makeshift bed. Michonne wipes the sweat from Carl's forehead with gentle hands. With a grateful nod, Carl sinks onto the makeshift bed, exhaustion etched into every line of his face.

Michonne's smile is warm as she gazes down at the boy. "Is that better?"

Carl nods slowly. "Yeah... Thanks."

Siddiq approaches them with cautious steps, his nerves palpable as he holds out his bag to them. "I, um, I got these," he stammers with trembling hands, he retrieves the medications from the bag. "They're over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories," Siddiq continues, his words rushed and desperate. "They'll, um... They'll help a little with the fever. They did for my mom and dad. Please take them." Michonne's glare pierces through him, but Madeleine's focus remains unwavering, her attention solely on her brother. "Your son... he should have them," Siddiq insists, his voice cracking with emotion.

Rick exchanges a silent glance with Michonne before stepping forward, gratitude etched into his weary features as he approaches Siddiq. With a grateful nod, he accepts the medications from the young man, passing them to Madeleine who wastes no time as she gives him the medication.

Rick's gaze narrows as he regards the man who saved his son, a silent question hanging in the air. "You're a doctor?"

Siddiq nods, his response tinged with a hint of sorrow. "I was a resident... before."

Rick sighs heavily, the weight of the moment pressing down on him as Carl groans in pain, his hand tightly clasped in Madeleine's grip.

"Your name is Siddiq?"

"Yes," Siddiq nods.

Rick's eyes drift back to Carl, tears threatening to spill over as he grapples with the realization of what Siddiq's presence means. "Did you know he was a doctor? Is that why you brought him back?"

"Yeah, for Esperanza," Carl confirms, his gaze flickering between Madeleine, Michonne, and his father. "And he wasn't gonna make it alone. He needed us. That's why."

Rick's breath catches in his throat as the pieces fall into place, understanding dawning on him with a heavy sense of responsibility. "He was the one at the gas station," Rick murmurs as he recalls the encounter that brought Siddiq into their lives.

An explosion from above jolts them out of their reverie, the sound of rocks clattering echoing through the air. Rick stands protectively over his son, his instincts kicking into high gear as Madeleine swiftly retrieves water and offers it to Carl, whose coughing fit intensifies.

"Shh! Easy. You got it?" Madeleine's voice is calm and reassuring as she soothes him, gently guiding the water bottle to his lips. "Slowly, slowly," she murmurs, her eyes filled with concern as she watches him drink.

Michonne rises from her seat, her movements tense with frustration as Madeleine follows closely behind, leaving her father to comfort Carl.

"Make it stop. Make them stop," Michonne pleads, her eyes searching his for any sign of hope as she pushes Dwight against the wall.

Dwight shakes his head, his gaze shifting to Madeleine, who can feel the weight of his stare burning into her back. "I can't," he admits.

Michonne's frustration boils over, her hand connecting with Dwight's chest in a sharp slap of anger. The reality of Carl's impending death weighs heavily on them all, the sense of helplessness hanging thick in the air. "You can. You're one of them. They'll listen to you," she insists, her voice tinged with desperation.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now