LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips

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They barrel down the desolate road, the roar of the engine drowning out all other sounds as they pursue the fleeing truck

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They barrel down the desolate road, the roar of the engine drowning out all other sounds as they pursue the fleeing truck. Daryl's grip tightens on the handlebars of the bike, his jaw clenched in determination as he accelerates, the married couple hot on the trail of their target.

"Keep it steady," Madeleine barks over the wind as Daryl maneuvers the bike with practiced ease, his eyes narrowed in focus.

She raises her gun, fingers tightening around the grip as she takes aim at the speeding truck ahead. Bullets whiz past them as the occupants of the truck return fire, but Madeleine remains undeterred. However, their adversaries bring out a heavy machine gun, and Daryl reacts swiftly, grabbing hold of Madeleine's arm as he steers the bike sharply to avoid the onslaught of bullets. They tumble to the ground, Daryl shielding Madeleine with his body as they hit the dirt.

Madeleine lifts her head, gritting her teeth against the pain, to see her father's vehicle roar past them in pursuit of the fleeing truck. With a quick exchange of glances, they spring into action, scrambling to retrieve their weapons and mount the bike once more. They quickly catch up to Rick, Madeleine taking aim and squeezing off shots at their quarry. One by one, their adversaries fall, but the driver remains elusive, darting through the chaos of the chase.

"Keep it steady!" Madeleine shouts, her voice tinged with urgency as she struggles to maintain her aim amidst the chaos of the pursuit.

"I'm trying, woman!" Daryl's response is laced with frustration as he navigates the treacherous terrain, the bike skidding and swerving as they race against time.

Madeleine narrows her gaze, focusing all her concentration on the small window of opportunity ahead. With a steady hand and steely resolve, she takes her shot, the bullet finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

Daryl curses under his breath as they watch Rick leap from their vehicle and into the bed of the truck, his figure disappearing amidst the chaos. With a swift decision, Daryl brings the bike to a halt, the couple dismounting and racing to the edge of the hill to witness the catastrophic crash below. Metal screeches against metal as the truck careens out of control, flipping end over end before coming to a rest at the bottom of the ravine.

Amidst the wreckage, they spot Rick, battered but alive, crawling out from the twisted wreckage. Madeleine helps her father to his feet, their eyes fixed on the overturned truck before them. She glances down at her bleeding arm, the result of their tumble, as Daryl swiftly tears a strip of his shirt and wraps it around the wound.

"I'm not dying, I simply scraped it."

Daryl shrugs dismissively. "Doesn't matter."

Rick exhales heavily, his breaths ragged with exhaustion. "We got the rest of the guns."

Daryl shoots Rick a blunt look. "You look like shit," he remarks, his gaze flickering to Madeleine as he finishes tending to her injury.

She secures her gun at her back, her eyes scanning their surroundings with a steely focus. "Let's go see if this asshole's alive," Madeleine suggests.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now