Chapter 196: Pride Or Elaine

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Still, as much as such a notion repulsed me, I didn't dare to wager Elaine's life, so grasping Hokori with a reverse grip, I didn't hesitate and stabbed myself in the chest until the hilt was pressed against my body, stopping the blade from going any deeper. Being run through was painful, but at this point, with how much pain that was throughout my body, I hardly even felt it.

"Hehe, HAHAHA! Good, good! Now then, for our next course of action, kneel!" Stated the monster with laughter containing his madness as he felt elated from ordering such an influential person like Elif.

"You want me to kneel to you?" Asked Elif with widened eyes as he spoke using his deep, guttural voice, spitting blood with each word.

Just the act of being forced to listen to someone's orders filled with utter disgust and repulsion; the mere thought of kneeling before someone was beyond revolting, let alone doing it; I couldn't even fathom a hypothetical reality where I would kneel to anyone in existence, even ancient and legendary figures. Yet this inferior, no-name monster from the Nether dimension wanted me, Crown Prince Elif August, the most talented and beautiful being in all of existence, to kneel to him?

Feeling pain in my abdomen; if it weren't for my stomach being significantly damaged, I'm confident I would be vomiting right now from pure repulsion at the idea of ever getting on my hands and knees and submitting myself to such a low-bred insect.

I'd rather spend eternity in purgatory, being tortured, than ever kneel to someone, yet as I looked at the heavily injured Elaine, whose physical state wasn't much better, I couldn't bring myself to refuse. I couldn't fathom a reality of me ever kneeling to someone, yet at the same time, I wouldn't allow a reality where I was forced to live without Elaine; she is the only person who I view as my equal, and without her, my life would lose much meaning.

"Tch; what's taking you so long, stupid Elf! Kneel right now, or I'll kill her!" Shouted the monster angrily, tightly squeezing Elaine's neck while watching Elif mindlessly standing there.

"I-I'll do it, I-I-I'll k-kneel, you bastard!" Declared Elif hesitantly as he helplessly clenched his fist while looking at Elaine's dangerous situation.

"Then do it and stop stalling for time; don't forget, her life is within my hands!" Said the monster, displaying a wicked smile while choking the life out of Elaine.

Looking at the monster, I glanced at Elaine, only to notice her cultivation had also returned to her usual cultivation base, a middle Divine, which caused me to frown since, coupled with that nasty attack she took, her condition wasn't much better than mine; she's putting on a tough front, but she wasn't too far away from dying.

Tightly clutching my fists, I glared at the smiling monster, which only increased his strength around Elaine's neck, causing me to angrily grind my teeth as I took a deep breath, and despite my very being vehemently attempting to go against me, I started to kneel. While doing so, I thought of everything that could get us out of this situation, but nothing came to mind; just when my knees were about to touch the ground, Elaine's voice echoed within my ears.

"D-Don't d-do it, B-Brother!" Yelled Elaine passionately as she glanced at Elif, who was mere inches from kneeling on the ground.

"Elaine." Muttered Elif softly while looking at Elaine, held within the monster's grasp.

"D-Don't kneel, Brother! E-Even if it's for me, just l-like how you w-will always protect me, I-I will always p-protect you! I-I know how important y-your pride is B-Brother if you kneel, y-your Dao Heart w-will shatter, and I-I refuse to be the r-reason why you d-didn't get to achieve t-the greatness you w-were destined for!" Stated Elaine between her breathing as she attempted to pry open the monster's palm that was clutched around her neck like a vice.

Everything Elaine said about my dao heart was true; I could currently feel my dao heart intensely shaking as cracks formed around it; it was on the verge of destruction. My dao heart is formed around the immense pride I have at being the absolute greatest talent to have ever existed, and knowing that, how could I not view everyone else as inferior beings beneath me when their power doesn't even compare to a mere fraction of mine? Yet because of that, If I were to kneel to someone I believe, someone I know to be beneath me, my dao heart would instantly crumble since a superior being such as myself wouldn't ever kneel to someone so inferior.

Though while I was deep in my thoughts from Elaine's words, it seemed like the monster was losing patience as he erupted in anger, his rampaging Qi pushing me back tens of meters until I finally managed to stop myself with the help of the mountain.

"Shut your mouth, stupid Elf!" Said the monster angrily, his eyes clouded by madness as he punched Elaine in the face, though he still seemed to have some sentience since he held back.

"Heh, I think I've had enough of you; if Brother and I are going to die, I'll make sure to leave with a trophy!" Declared Elaine with a feral grin, something befitting on her bloody and mangled face as she summoned Orcus from her dimension ring before stabbing him in the crotch, causing his eyes to widen.

"Y-Y-You; YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Yelled the monster, full of rage as he lost any semblance of intelligence, and threw Elaine in the air while launching a dense sphere of volatile Qi toward her.

Seeing everything happen, from the instant he punched Elaine to attacking her with such a powerful attack, in my eyes, it all occurred in slow motion. Watching the deadly attack head straight toward Elaine, I once again activated the forbidden technique, ignoring any of the side effects for doing so, and flew right for Elaine; yet even with my increased speed, I wasn't fast enough.

'ELAINE!!' Shouted Elif anxiously via divine sense as he fearfully watched with widened eyes the glowing sphere of Qi near Elaine, who was too far away to arrive in time.

'Heh, maybe without me holding you back, you'll find a way out of this, Brother. I love you, Bro-' Said Elaine softly via divine sense as she looked into Elif's purple eyes full of fear that brought her an untold amount of peace, though she couldn't finish as she was engulfed in a glowing sphere of Qi before it exploded.


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