Chapter 1: Fluttering of a Butterfly's Wings

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Planet S0914, a borderland planet, is one of the many unnamed planets in the Empire's territory.

Planets known as Borderland aren't necessarily at the borders of the Empire; rather, they're barely habitable planets surrounded by other resource-rich but uninhabitable planets.

A certain individual industry usually supports the whole economy of a borderland. Planet S0914, for example, borders a handful of mining planets; therefore, the majority of the inhabitants are miners, and the mining technology here is nothing to scoff at.

As for the other aspects, we can only say that it is extremely unbalanced. An unnamed borderland was, after all, barely a low-middle-class planet and, thus, a pauper in the eyes of the nobles.

At this time, a sanatorium situated outside the main city of Planet S0914 was on high alert.

Blaring lights reflected the panicked and pale faces of the nurses and doctors. The sound of the uniform steps of soldiers echoes in the corridor, pounding at the heart of the Dean.

Looking at the wretched door of the extensive care unit, the dean of the sanatorium wanted to cry but had no tears.

It's over! The patient ran out!

The entire unit, including the door, the walls and floor, and even the furniture inside, was made from one of the strongest materials available and can withstand spiritual attacks.

It was designed using a special structure and was especially made to contain out-of-control patients.

The dean stood with a pale face, looking inside the ward. The inner walls were covered with deep, criss-crossing scratches, and the whole place was almost torn apart.

As we all know, the sanitarium in mining galaxies has one of the strongest structures. However, it was clear that not even this could escape the tossing of the berserk General Liele.

How do I say this? As expected of a hot blooded young general!

Saying that a single flap of the butterfly's wings can create storms isn't an exaggeration!

"Dean, will we be blamed? "asked a timid nurse.

The dean took off his glasses and turned to the window. Looking at the soldiers in a state of high alertness, he sighed, "No, they should have expected this. Don't worry, they're prepared and can take back the general."

General Liele should have been transferred long ago, and this place was merely supposed to be an emergency stopover.

But since being injured a few months ago in the coalition war, the general has been irritable and goes manic from time to time. They can't contain him, and his guards can't control him.

The warship that will escort him back to the main galaxy isn't here yet, but he broke his cage first.

Their empire's so-called hero was currently no different from a mad dog running amok without a leash.

Before the Dean continued lamenting, another harsh siren sounded.

"W-what happened again?! "

"Oh no, Dean! The scans show no sign of General Liele inside! "

"Not i-inside? What do you mean n-no sign inside?! "

"He's no longer in the sanatorium! "

"He escaped even the sanatorium?! "

Isn't our sanatorium made like an iron box?!

"W-well... there's also a big hole in the west wall."

Oh no, we will be extinct today!

While the dean's blood pressure spiked and the general's guards were assembling for a carpet search, a fist-sized butterfly flew towards the main city in a confused manner.

In the west district of the main city, the streets are messy and look like a maze. If you are cheated by the locals, it's easy to disappear.

There are plenty of second-hand shops and illegal vendors setting up stalls that occupy the road. They're either selling mining machines and parts or selling ores.

The inhabitants are mixed, the transactions are both legal and illegal, and the laws and order are in a state of confusion. For outsiders, this was just an unsafe area full of scammers, but to those who knew, this was a part of the black market.

"How much for the motherland? "

A timid voice attracted the attention of a stall owner. Looking over, he saw a young kid wearing a hoodie and combat trousers, both too big for the child. Unable to see the gender or the face clearly, he gave a few more glances. "Buying or selling? "


Hearing this, the stall owner's gaze turned more interested. "Which part of the motherland? "

The kid pulled a glass box from the space button. After touching a certain part of the box, it became transparent, showing a leafy vine in a flower pot to the stall owner.

"This is a mutant creeping vine." The stall owner carefully touched the outer layer of the glass.

For everyone living in the vast galaxy, all kinds of plants are precious and valuable.

Whether inside or outside the Empire, spiritual plants are scarce. And even though there are also mutant plants, they're merely a handful compared to the vastness of the sea of stars.

What's more, the majority of mutant plants are extremely ferocious, almost no different from alien beasts.

So docile mutant plants, which are infinitely close to spiritual plants, are considered rarer.

Like the mutant creeping vine, even if the class specification was low and its use was limited, as long as it looked similar and behaved like a spiritual plant, many would snatch it.

The majority of ordinary citizens may never touch a plant in their whole lifetime.

"A direct price of 2,000,000."

The stall owner quickly offered, but the kid remained silent. Seeing this, the stall owner continued, "This is already a sincere price. This vine is young and tender and is prone to accidents compared to mature plants. Of course, this will fetch a higher price in the temple, but little kid," the stall owner eyed the tiny body in front of him. "There's plenty of wolves, foxes, and rats sniffing around that area, waiting for prey."

"... I'll sell it to you, but I also want an invitation to the temple."


Although the stall owner felt it was too courageous for a little kid to wander at the temple, that's no longer his concern.

"Give me a blank card," the little kid said, putting the flower pot down on the stall.

"May you receive what you pray for." The stall owner put the money on a blank card and handed it over along with a coin. He watched as the little kid scurried away decisively, disappearing among the pedestrians.

He caresses the glass box once again, wanting to touch the mutant plant inside. After deciding against it, he hid it from the prying gazes around him.

He thought, 'I long for a tiny piece of you, my dear mother.'

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