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The moment I step out of the bathroom, it instantly hits me. What is that smell? I practically run to the kitchen and the sight before me leaves me speechless.

The whole kitchen is in disarray. The drawers are all open, the counter is covered with all sorts of cartons and food containers and is pretty much invisible under that pile of chaos. Amidst all that, I see Kai standing in the middle of the kitchen with a blazing camping gas in his hands, waving it in the air like a buffoon.

"Are you nuts?" I yell at him. "Are you trying to set my house on fire?"

"Yeah, because I've nothing better to do."

"Give me that." I snatch the camping gas from him and turn it off. "What's the matter with you?"

"I was trying to make some breakfast! Is that a crime?"

"Have you used a camping gas before?"

"How hard can it be?" That basically answers my question.

I give him a scolding look and push him away from the kitchen and towards the table. After making him sit down, I head back to the kitchen. I hate it when people mess up with my things, and especially when I can't kick them out of the house for that and I have to endure their presence. I huff quietly. I don't like losing control of my emotions, but as I'm ruffling through the food I have in here, I contemplate whether or not to give him a punch in the face.

"Anything you're allergic to?" I ask him over the counter.

"Yeah, human emotions."

Why am I even trying? That guy is a pain in the ass. I take out two slices of bread. Then, I cut a banana in thin slices, put them on the bread and pour some honey over. It's not the best I can do, but it will do for now. I put the food in two plates, walk away from the kitchen and place them on the table. I sit opposite him and begin to eat.

"I don't like bananas," his statement makes me glance up at him, and I almost roll my eyes upon seeing his disgusted expression.

"Well, you can starve to death for all I care," I reply and continue devouring my breakfast.

A few seconds pass, and I'm beginning to think that he really won't eat it, but then I hear him sigh and with a grudging look on his face, he finally takes a bite off his bread.

Once I finish up my share, I clean up myself and sit back in my chair, watching him eat. His expression is one of absolute pain, as if he is really struggling to swallow the food down. Every time he takes a new bite, his nose wrinkles in repulsion, and I barely manage to contain my laugh.

"We're going to my sister's today."

His eyes snap to mine. "Aren't we moving a little too fast? I mean, we've been together for what? A week?"

"Don't worry. I'll just tell her that you are a petty criminal we're using for our interests."

"First impressions are kind of important, don't you think?" He rests one elbow on the table, grinning at me with arrogance.

"I'm sure you'll dazzle her with your irresistible charm," I reply. I already feel a headache coming, so I bring my hands to my forehead and start to massage my temples, hoping to relieve some tension. Dear God. Dear Odin. Dear patron gods of soon-to-be-dead humans. Please, give me strength to not murder him.

After a solid minute of staring and wondering how the hell he manages to be so annoying, I decide to stand up and get ready. "You go take a shower. You stink," I tell him rather coldly and head to the kitchen and the chaos that's awaiting me there. I hear his footsteps draw off the corridor, and I instantly release a breath I was unconsciously holding. 

There's something about his gaze that keeps me on edge, and the dream I had last night isn't helping at all, or my wishing for it to have been real. Anyone can see he is handsome, that I must give it to him, but I can't let his effect on me stand in the way of the case. I am a professional, for God's sake. 

As I try to put some order in the chaos surrounding me, I am so deep in my thoughts that I don't hear the bathroom door open, nor do I notice him approaching, until he suddenly speaks.

"As much as I'd love to show off my ripped body, I can't go naked outside."

My eyes snap to his direction, and I immediately freeze. Kai is leaning on the wall near me, one hand bandaged, and the other casually holding a towel around his waist. And oh boy, was he ripped. It's as if his chiseled body has been molded by the gods themselves. No matter how long I stare, I can't get enough of his hard muscles, his broad shoulders, his dark tattoos snaking up his arms.

And then, much to my dismay, my gaze falls on his powerful hands, and the way the towel is wrapped so loosely around his fine ass, showing his sixpack. His body is like a crime case waiting for me to solve, and I have a thing for unsolved cases.

"You should take a picture; it'll last longer," his deep voice feels like a splash of cold water on my face.

When I look up his face, I notice a half smile playing on his lips, and I instantly avert my gaze. Damn my raging hormones!

"Take whatever fits you from my closet, I don't care. We leave in five minutes," I state matter-of-factly and continue cleaning the kitchen. As I am scrambling to put the cereal in a cereal paper box—something I know is not that hard, but I need to pretend I'm doing something—I hear footsteps behind me.

"I heard you last night," he whispered in my ear, causing goosebumps run down my neck. "Were you dreaming of me?"

"You think the whole world revolves around you? Get over yourself!" I snap back with venom, but I don't dare turn around to look at him.

"We'll see about that, Andrew," and with that he storms away like thunder.

I suddenly take a gasping breath, not realizing I have been holding it. Not realizing I am already missing his warmth, until he is gone. 

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