Now Would Be a Good Time to Call the Cops

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Guess where I am. Yep, you guessed it right. Oak Terrace Street.

I know, I know. I shouldn't have trusted that mad man. My legs are still a bit shaky from the shock, but I couldn't help it. Getting back to the station without a lead just didn't sit right with me. I had to investigate; it is my job.

And so, I find myself combing the street for building number fifteen, walking through the grey world of metal, glass, concrete, and asphalt. The fog has slowly started forming, and I know the night isn't far away. I watch the clouds sit upon the earth, as if they decided the heavens were down here instead, and I squint my eyes to see better through the white mist. It isn't hard to spot the building. It's a decaying two-story shop of some sort with brick walls and boarded windows, jammed between the rest. A pretty good hiding spot if you ask me.

I slow my pace and walk as quietly as possible. I near the building and go to stand away from the windows or anywhere I might be seen. With my hand on the wall, the roughness pressing into my skin and my heart throwing itself against my ribcage, I peek inside. In that dark room there are shapes in monochrome, shadows I can't make out what they are. I duck and step towards another window and my view becomes clearer. Clear enough to see a hunched form resembling that of a person.

"Andrew Wilson code one," I mouth in the radio and nervously glance through the window again.

"You are breaking up, repeat," the captain replies.

"I repeat, I have a code one. I request back-up."

"State your position."

"Oak Terrace Street. Possible covert in view."

"Shit," I hear the captain mumble through the radio. "Copy that. Sending back-ups right now."

"I need an E. T. A."

"We are en route," she replies as if that should be a satisfying answer.

I hit my fist against the wall in frustration and try to contain my nerves. "Permission to proceed, ma'am," I say calmly enough.

"That's a negative, detective. Remain in position."

"Copy." I grip my gun and fight the urge to kick the door and break in. I'll give them five minutes. Then, I won't hesitate to step inside. 

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