Dating Advice Part 3: Choosing where to go for the first date

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Ok so by the way there is two ways on how to decide on what to do for a first date so im gonna like have sections. Enjoy!


Three option plan:

Once you ask them out on the date and they say yes ( bc they will and if they dont they are missing out) already have three places in mind: a under dressed basic place, casual place, and formal place. now dont tell them anything about where you are going, then when you go to pick them up, pick from the three places based on how they are dressed.


Under dressed: Movies

Casual: Amusent park

Formal: A nice dinner 


Interest date:

Take them to a place you both have wanted to go to, like a museum, or go see a movie y'all both wanted to watch. After you have that part of the date, go out to eat so you can talk more about each others interests and what you should do next. At this dinner, if they ask about your ex never say "Oh my ex was crazy" Nononono, let them know your standards are HIGH. Talk about how good your ex was, but you just lost romantic interest. Then they will know how well they gotta treat you to be with you!

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