Dating Advice Part 1: Gals b4 Pals

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( If your in 5th-8th grade, dont worry about getting a bf/gf, your still young. You can date if you want but keep it casual and not serious)

1. Never embarrass your friends infront of boys (or anyone) to look "cool", your just being an ass hole.

2.  Never have a crush on your friends crush, if you do: never tell them or ANYONE, the secret will get out and your friend(s) might be mad.

3. Never date your friends ex, it'll make it seem like your a bad friend, or purposely sabotaged they're relations ship. Even if they say its ok and you can, still never do it.

4. When your friend has a bf / gf, unless y'all have already been friends for a while, never hang out with they're partner. And almost never has their number unless your planning a surprise for your friend.

5. NEVER EVER flirt with your friends crush even if its a joke!!

6. If your friends bf / gf is cheating on them, TELL YOUR FRIEND!!!

7. Never heart a post your friends bf/ gf made unless your friend is tagged or is in the post.

8. Never tell your friend that their crush is out of they're league, even if you know they are...

9.  Never tell your friends crush that your friend likes them, you are rushing the relation-ship so not only will it fail, your friend will be mad at you. (most likely) 

10. Try and discreetly set your friends crush and your friend that likes them up.

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