Dating Advice Part 2: How to get a man / women

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1. Be yourself, if they dont like the real you, then they are most likely toxic or just not made for you.

2. Try to be confident, believe in your worth and if you arent feeling confident, think of your favorite hype or happy song that makes you more confident.

3. Start conversation, ask how their day was, send them something funny, or ask for help on something like homework.

4. Show actual interest, ask what they like to do for fun and what they dont like, get to know all their flaws and perks. (this tip will help when picking out where to go for the first date)

5. Flirt, even if its in a joking manner, it can still give people butterflies. 

6. Be approachable, make eye contact, and smile.

7. Talk about similar and common interest. (this can also help when planning the first day)

8. Be positive, never say your day was bad unless like your dog died or som. ANYWAY, avoid negative topics basically.

9. Compliment them, Say that you like they're shoes, eyes, clothes, etc.

10: make them aware of they're flaws (in good way) Make them know that they arent perfect, but you still love them (be wise with this one)

11: Respect boundaries, no means no. 

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