☁ Chapter 3 🎈

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Sorry for the long wait. School has been wearing me out and i just finished the first chapter of "Princess Chronicles" which the second chapter will be out in the end of April i hope you guys enjoy the third chapter of "Up High" 

During the ride home from school i was very quiet and so was my brother Devon. "Why are you so quiet?" i asked, he sighed "i just miss the old times where dad wasn't a jerk and actually cared about us" he said. i chuckled sarcastically "you were the one who left me at the age of eight and i was left to be abused" i answered
"Ruby i just wanted to live a better life where I'm not abandoned" he explained "surely it doesn't explain our trauma".

"Abandoned!? dad cared about you and did i mention mom is now gone because of him? oh wait she's been gone for 16-18 years!" i said "who knows what our dad is doing with my stepsister"

"We have another sister?" he asked. i groaned in frustration how could he not know that Lily is my stepsister?, oh because he wasn't there for half of my damn life now i have to go through highschool hell!.

at home i went to my room and laid on my bed. back first i started to get thoughts like what if dad actually loved us? or what if mom misses us? i didn't want to think about any of that.   it's stupid, really stupid.  Devon came into my room and sat on my bed "Listen Ruby I'm your brother it's my job to make sure you're not hurt and I'm sorry that i left you to be abused by dad i didn't want to do that!" he apologized to me, was it too late for him to apologize?.   "i forgive you Devon" i said i forgave him

Christina Perri- A Thousand Years©

That Evening the mailman came for like the first time. well because we have a new address and i now live with my brother
it was the basic old junk mail that we usually get and mom would always throw them out. Some nights are beautiful sometimes the stars would shine to the point where you're blinded by their lights

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