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where it all begins...
chapter one

Stanford University

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Stanford University

Rock music played quietly in the background as a young blond woman stepped through the doorway. The curly haired woman was wearing a semi revealing nurse costume and had thick, bright, red heels on. Her shoes echoed through the apartment as she made her way into the living room.

"Sam, get a move on, would you? We were supposed to be there like fifteen minutes ago." She spoke while she pushed her earrings in.

The dressed up nurse made her way through the living room and towards her shared bedroom. As she moved, she passed a busy redhead laying on her stomach across the cold, wooden floor. The girl was dressed up as Kim Possible from the 2002 cartoon show meant for kids.
In front of her was a text book all about biology, it was one of many she owned. She was busy drawing out the cell of a plant into a notebook she frequently used.

"Sam, you coming or what?" The blond spoke again.

"Do I have to?" This time a tall brunette boy spoke, poking his head out from the doorway so the two girls could see him. He wore his everyday clothes unlike the other two in the room.

"Yes. It'll be fun. And where's your costume?" The blond asked the boy as he made his way to her.

He let out a soft scoff before replying. "You know how I feel about Halloween."

"But it's my birthday." The redhead spoke up, looking up towards the couple. "And I would like to celebrate, just a little. We don't have to do much, we can just have one drink then leave- " she rambled before being interrupted.

"Nova it's fine. We can celebrate as much as you want, we can even order some fries." Sam was the one to interrupt her.

Her face changed into excitement at his last words. "Really?"


The walk to the bar was a short one as it was only ten minutes away. They had ordered their drinks and a couple of bowls of fries to share as they sat around a small, round table. Nova had to ask for a Diet Coke as she was still underage but got a bowl of fries to herself.

"So here's to Sam and his awesome LSAT victory, and here's to our adorable Nova and her sweet nineteen birthday." Jessica cheered as she raised her drink towards the two.

"Alright, alright. It's not that big a deal." Sam replied also raising his drink.

"He acts all humble but he scored a 174."

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