Chapter 6

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We walked inside the hospital, where we sat up base camp. I took my camera, and put in some new battery, to make sure that I have enough battery, for this investigation.

I took a deep breath, and looked at Harry, who gave me a small smile. I turned on my camera, before we started to look around the hospital. We walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor, where we started our investigation.

"Should we do an ovilus session?" Dakota asked.

"Yeah, we can do that." Harry replied. We all sat down on the floor, in the hallway. Tanner pulled out the ovilus, and turned it on.

"Is anybody up here with us?" He asked. He looked around a bit.

"Is there a doctor or a nurse here?" I asked, as I pointed my camera, as I looked down one end of the hallway, and then looked down the other end.


"Are we talking to a nurse?" Alex asked, as he pointed the camera at Tanner, who were holding the ovilus.

"Should we be afraid of the creeper, who is down in the basement?" Dakota asked, as he looked over at Harry.


"Wait, did that just say don't?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, it did." Tanner replied, as he looked down at the little screen of his camera, that he was holding in his other hand.

We sat in complete silence, before we started to move on, and walked up to the 3rd floor. Where we did a digital recorder session.

"Is Timmy up here with us?" Dakota asked. We waited a few seconds before we asked more questions.

"Why should we be scared of the basement?" Harry asked. Again we waited a few seconds, before any of us asked another questions. I started to feel like, we weren't alone. I started to feel a cold breeze coming from my left side. Where Harry and Chelsea were sitting.

I looked a bit confused at Harry and Chelsea.

"Do you guys also feel the cold breeze?" I asked Chelsea and Harry, who looked at me.

"Yeah, I can feel." Chelsea replied, as she looked over at her brother.

"Okay, I'm gonna stop recording on the digital recorder." He said, as he stoped recording. He started play back the recording.

"Is Timmy up here with us?"

"Yes..I am." It came from the digital recorder. It was loud and clear.

"Why should we be scared of the basement?"

"It's scary.._____" We couldn't hear the rest.

"Wait, did that just say, it's scary?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, it did. But we couldn't hear the rest." Dakota replied, as he shook his head, and looked over at Chelsea.

"I'm gonna start another digital recording session." He said, as he started the digital recorder again.

"You said 'its scary' but we didn't hear the rest, can you please repeat what you said." Dakota asked. We waited a few seconds.

"Is it not a good idea, to sleep down in the basement?" Tanner asked, and looked over at me. I pointed my camera at Tanner. 

I started to have a small headache. But decided not to tell the others, since it was just a small headache. 

"What will happen, if we sleep down in the basement?" Chelsea asked, and we waited a few seconds. 

"I will stop on the digital recording." Dakota said, as he stopped the digital recorder.

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