(The Brain) Part: 5

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A Godly Hand [EP: 15]

Recommend Song: Ella Baila Sola - Eslabon Armado

February, 23, 1008

Somewhere in the Heian district

12:05 pm

The battle between Azul and the remaining 3 of The strong six continues...

Azul is on the floor with a small hole through his heart, While he tries to get up and recover, Tomoe comes from the sky out of nowhere to deliver a double stomp to the gut of Azul.

The impact of the stomp causes Azul to throw up blood and scream in pain, Tomoe gets off of Azul and goes to try to grab Azul's ankle with the intention to shatter it, while tying to grab the ankle, Azul picks up a rock and smashes it against Tomoe's face, with the impact stunning her.

Azul sees the opening and kicks up, and then delivers a tornado kick to Tomoe's jaw, sending her towards Ayano...

With the momentum, Azul starts to rushes them down, right before he can get close enough, Lee comes from behind to grabs Azul's arms to hold him still...

Lee: (smirks) Did you forget about me?

Ayano: BANG

This time, instead of a beam shooting, Azul's chest combusts out of nowhere, exposing his heart

The pain Azul feels is unimaginable, but instead of falling...

Azul swings is head back hitting Lee in the process, Then Azul, with impeccable strength and flexibility Azul bends his arm all the way behind him to grab Lee and deadlifts him above his head, Azul then Slams Lee down into the ground so impactful Azul's arm goes through Lee's stomach.

Lee: (pukes blood and screams in unutterable pain)

Azul's uses his other arm to grab the face of Lee...

Before Azul can Finish Lee, Tomoe rushes in behind Azul, and delivers a rear choke hold

Azul overpowers them both by standing up, lifting Lee and Tomoe, Tomoe tries to lock her legs around Azul, tightening the grip of the hold, Azul then yanks his arm out of Lee, using the momentum of the arm to then elbow Tomoe in the gut, forcing her to release the hold.

Azul then Slams Lee face first back into the ground, And right before anyone can do anything about it...

Azul stomps down on the face of Lee, Breaking and smashing the face and skull, and brain of Lee, Killing him on impact



Ayano in a burst of rage rushes Azul, As she gets close, she jumps in the air...

Tomoe partially recovers, to then try to swing on Azul

Azul dodges the punch from Tomoe, to then get caught by a diving side kick to the face by Ayano, As Azul tries to attack Ayano, He gets caught with a gut punch from Tomoe, Azul tries to swing towards Tomoe now, But Tomoe dodges, with the opening, Ayano runs up to deliver a running jumping knee to the face of Azul, As the knee connects, Azul grabs on to the Legs of Ayano right before she got behind him, to then slam Ayano on the ground right in front of Azul, Knocking the wind out of Ayano.

Azul then takes the foot that was still lodged in the now deceased corpse of Lee, to keep Ayano pinned down, Tomoe then tries to throw a flurry of blows towards Azul, Which Azul deflects all of the attacks with him retaliating with a couple attacks of his own in the exchange.

Ayano then calls out to Azul

Ayano: Hey

Azul directs his attention towards Ayano to see that Ayano is pointing a finger gun at him...

Ayano: BANG

Azul's left arm gets completely blown off, with that happening Tomoe also delivers a heavy right hook to the jaw of Azul

With the fist still in his face, Azul looks towards Tomoe with Azul's eyes looking like he's about to go blind, Azul then uses his Right arm to Deliver a Black Flash Backhand slap to the jaw of Tomoe, Sending her flying.

Azul then instantly regens his left arm, to then pick up Ayano by her arm...

Before anyone can do something, Azul snaps Ayano arm in half, exposing the bone

Ayano headbutts Azul to make space

Tomoe gets up in the distance, She goes to feel her jaw, just to find out that the attack Azul threw completely removed Tomoe's jaw

Ayano: Ima have to summon him...

Ayano then kicks dust into the face of Azul to create even more space, then she starts chanting...

Ayano: (throws out her arms our with her fist clenched) With this treasure I summon thee...

To be continued

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