(The Brain) Part: 1

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A Godly Hand [EP: 12]

February, 23, 1008


11:30 am

It has been a week since the brothers moved in...

Customer: Can I get a hard lemonade?

Ty: Are you kidding?

Customer: What? What's wrong with a hard lemonade?

Ty: (stares blankly into the customer face) You came to a bar... Before noon... to get a hard lemonade.

Lapis: (taps Ty's shoulder) Ty?

Ty: What's up

Lapis: What did we say about customers and bad choices?

Ty: (sighs) Ugh, "If the customer makes a bad drink choice, go with it, for there's no refunds for a reason"

Lapis: Correct, now, get the loser his lemonade.

Ty: Fineee, Hey real Quick Question

Lapis: Shoot

Ty: Where's Azul and Matt?

Lapis: Oh, they're going after leads for suknua.

Ty: Together?

Lapis: Yeah, I see nothing wrong with this.

Ty: Yeahhhh, because it's not like they wasn't trying to kill each other a week ago.

Lapis: I know Azul doesn't care anymore... Archer might be a little different.

Customer: Hey!? Where my lemonade-

Ty jumps after the customer


Meanwhile... in the Heian district

The scene fade to Azul and Matt walking around the district...

Matt: What are looking for here?

Azul: A lead of course, I got news from one of the bar regulars that there's a group of sorcerers somewhere around here that should know some info about Suknua.

As Azul is talking, the both of them spots a group of people with there backs turned, harassing a lady

Unknown sorcerer #1: Where's my family Witch?!

Unknown Lady: I- I have no idea what you are talkin-

Unknown Sorcerer #2: (gut checks the lady) Cut the Crap, How come all of our family members gets sick at the same time, then they all come to you for help, And I haven't seen them since.

Unknown sorcerer #3: IT'S BEEN TWO MONTHS...

Azul and Matt walks into the conversation

All six unknown sorcerers: Who the hell are these guys?

Azul: Just two guys wounding what you guys are doing with this lady?

Unknown sorcerer #4: You misunderstand the situation. This is no lady, this is a demon, a witch, a vassal to something eviler.

Matt and Azul takes a look at the Lady

Matt: She seems like you're average grandmother?

The Lady looks towards the duo with worry, then locks eyes with Azul...

Unknown Lady: You two please help me, my name is Kami, These guys are The Strong Six, a family of sorcerers that pride themselves on there CE output-

Before she could finish the rest, she gets backhanded by Strong Lee (the leader of The Strong Six)

S. Lee: Shut Up bitch, We've heard about enough of your lies

Lee focuses back on the duo

S. Lee: So what about you guys? Are you helping or not?

Azul and matt backs up for a second to talk about the choice

Azul: So, what do you think?

Matt: You asking me?

Azul: Nah I'm asking the fucking voices, of course I'm asking you.

Matt: I say fuck them, We should beat the info out these guys

Azul: Are you sure? They are called "The Strong Six" for a reason, plus, I don't trust that lady... she's giving off a odd vibe.

Matt: Whoa, Only knew you for a week, but I didn't think you'll be actually bitched by these clowns

Azul: (the smirk on Azul's face fades) I get 3 and you get 3

Matt: That's more like it, And haha like you can handle 3 of them.

The duo walks back up to the group

S. Lee: So, Have you guys made up your min-

Just before Lee can finish, Azul interrupts with a tornado kick to Lee's jaw, sending him flying to the nearest building

Azul: Kami, Do you know the where Repentance is?

Kami: Never been there, but yeah

Matt: Meet us up there, we want to ask you somethings later

Kami: Of course (runs off)

The field is set now, Azul and Matt against The Strong Six

To Be Continued

The Godly Hand (A Remixed JJK story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon