(Azul must die... Pt.3)

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A Godly Hand [EP: 9]

Recommend Song: Pop - Lil Uzi Vert

February, 16, 1008

Outside of Repentance

12:45 am

The standoff between the three continues...

Ty: I'm sick of these games... This the last chance for both of you guys? Where. Is. My. Brother.

Azul: (whispers to Lapis) I mean, we could just give him up, I would hate to mess up this area any more than it is-

Lapis: No, I don't care. we need the lead for suknua, and I'd rather die anyways than to lose to this guy.

Azul: I mean it is his broth-

Lapis: Azul? (stares at him with an intimidating gaze)

Azul: Alright, alright... did I tell you how much I love it when your serious.

Azul: (walks forward and stances up) I'm sorry, but it looks like you'll have to take him from our cold dead corpse.

Ty: Fine by me.

Azul and Lapis goes to rush ty in a formation

(lapis rushes Azul and jumps off his back to launch herself in the air, with the momentum, Lapis put reaches her hand out to grab lightning, the lightning starts changing into the mauve color that she's wearing.)

(Lapis hurls the lightning towards Ty)

(as the lightning is flying down, on the ground, Azul is rushing up towards Ty, dodging the holy ground spikes that Ty is summoning)

Ty spots Azul rushing up through the spikes

(Azul launches himself off the last spike blocking him and Ty into the air.)

(Azul goes to grab to lightning that Lapis threw)

(as Azul is coming down with the lightning, he spots last second that, Ty was charging his secret weapon...)

Ty: Divine Arrow

(Right before getting hit with Divine Arrow)

(Azul uses the lightning in his hand to redirect the arrow to the sky)

Azul: Holy shit, that was really close (turns around to lapis) did you see tha-

(Azul realizes that the arrow was redirected towards her)

(Azul starts running to Lapis)

(mid sprint, Azul get hit in the back with a light orb)

Ty: and what do you think your doing?

(Ty blitzes toward Azul, grabbing on his face and planting him into the ground)

Ty puts his foot on top of Azul's chest, pinning Azul

Ty: I said... I just wanted my brother. trust me, I really didn't want to kill you guys... hopefully in the next life you guys can both forgive me. (starts charging another Divine Arrow)

Azul: (struggling to remove Ty's foot off his chest while choking on blood) A-Are you in- incapable of listening?

Ty: Huh? come again?

Azul: (with the last little energy he had) points upward

Ty: (looks up)

Azul: hehe, made you look (life fades away from his eyes and dies)

(as "Azul" dies, the finger that was pointing at the sky is now pointing back at the bar)

Ty notices where his finger is pointed and turns that way immediately, just to immediately get spun kicked in his jaw

Azul: HAHAHAHHA, Made you look twice!!

Ty looks at the other Azul, to see that that one was a mirror image

Ty: (stands back up and wipes the blood from his now cut lip) Clever.

Azul: I KNOW RIGHT... look, as of right now you're not getting your brother anytime soon. so let's just-

Ty starts chanting in tongue

Azul: don't tell me I got you praying to your god now

Ty: Domain Expansion

the ground around them starts shifting, the ground turns into a bright white pearlescence floor

the armor around Ty glows brighter and bigger in size

Meanwhile downstairs in Repentance...

Archer starts waking up

Archer: What the fuck is all that noise? (trying to get out of bindings) how the fuck did I get here? and WHAT KIND OF ROPE IS THIS.

Archer breaks the chair and starts crawling up stairs


Azul: seems like it's time for me to pull my domain out...

Ty: It won't help... but I would like to see yours before you die

Azul: geez you seem so sure... but alright

Azul: DOMAIN...

To Be Continued

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