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"You cannot love a fellow creature fully till you love God"— C.S. Lewis



Never in my life had I ever sat down and decided to ponder on the meaning of Love. One thing I was sure of?, Love hurts.

I blew out a breath and blinked at him. He seemed to have gotten the idea as his smile grew wider.

"You see, I have a theory. I believe that unless you know God, you can never know the proper definition of Love nor can you ever love properly" He stated and i raised a brow

"Hear me out. Love is a hundred percent and the everyday couples we see that don't know Christ only experience twenty percent of it. We see how powerful that twenty percent is, now imagine how the full hundred percent would be"

He seemed to be confusing me more.

"Love is beyond the tingly feeling you get, or your heart skipping a beat whenever you're around them. Love is an action, God is Love and Love is God. Now when God, love himself, is in the midst of your relationship, you can be rest assured that your union will yield good fruits"

"Let me give an illustration. A few weeks after we got married, Jocelyn and I had a huge fight, I don't really remember what it was about but I know it was on the basis of miscommunication. I said some words which she misunderstood, then she got hurt and created a huge fuss out of nothing. I was mad at her and we both avoided each other that day. There was a gnawing feeling in my chest the whole day and no matter what I did, I couldn't get rid of it. I ignored it till I couldn't anymore, I knew it was God trying to talk to me and when i finally decided to listen, he told me to go apologize."

"I was more furious. She was the one at fault, she misinterpreted my words and even God knew that. He then told me he wasn't telling me apologize because of my words, he was telling to apologize because how they made her feel, it didn't matter if I meant it that way or not. I felt it was unfair but he reasoned with me and I decided to yield, I went to the room and found her sitting idly. Before I could utter a word, she jumped on me apologizing. Turned out God also spoke to her and made her realize her fault"

"You sure it was God?, Maybe her brain just processed everything and realized it was her fault along?" I reasoned

He smiled and shook his head

"That's not what happened, trust me. Also, every good thing comes from God, including good thoughts. You remember that."

"Let me give you a better illustration, this one a bit deeper than the last" He added

I opened my drink and took a sip, gesturing for him to continue.

"One time I travelled, it was my very first time away from my wife and kids and I was going to be away for a long time. Mid trip I began missing my wife terribly, I had just hired a new assistant and she always showed up to the office scantily dressed. It was only both of us on the trip and at first I didn't mind how she dressed but along the line, being away from my wife, it began to affect in ways it shouldn't have. I constantly cautioned her but she never listened, she knew I couldn't get rid of her because there was no way I could find a new assistant on such a short notice. So one night, when I was, let's say, burning with passion"

I snickered at his use of words. He playfully narrowed his eyes at me, making me laugh louder.

"She came into my room and forced herself on me. I was weak and I would have fallen that night, if my wife hadn't burst through the door like a mad bull" My eyes widened in surprise and he gave a little laugh

IN LOVE'S EMBRACE Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin