No Sympathy for the Devil

Start from the beginning

Zach looks up from the computer monitor and sees red-eyed Ood walking towards him, threateningly holding up their globes to electrocute him dead like the poor female guard.

'Open door 1.' 'Close door 1.'

"Lockdown. Seal door 1!" Zach orders.

'Lockdown. Door 1.'

"Seal door 24. Seal door 23." Zach overhears Jefferson over the comm line.

"Jefferson, what's happening there?"


Drilling area

Jefferson was bravely trying to defend both himself and everyone else, as the possessed Ood continued advancing upon them. He briefly checks his magazine before reporting back.

"I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you?" He announces very hurriedly. Zach looks around for weaponry and sees only a bolt gun.

He groans in frustration.

"All I've got is a bolt gun. With, er, all of one bolt. I could take out a grand total of one Ood." Zach scoffs derisively. "Fat lot of good that is..."

"Given the emergency, I recommend strategy nine." Jefferson suggests, and Katy looks sharply at him, not liking the sound of that.

"What the hell's strategy nine?" She demanded. Both men ignore her question, which only increased her suspicions and anger. "Hey, I asked you a question!"

"Strategy nine. Agreed. Right, we need to get everyone together. Rose? Katy? What about Ida and the..." Zach trails off when he realises that they had been forgetting something. "The Doctor? Any word?" He asks urgently, and Katy scoffs with disgust.

"Oh, now you wanna listen!?" She spits, then sighs when Rose throws her a look. "We can't get any reply. Nothing." Katy explains.

"I keep trying, but it's-" Rose is immediately cut off by static.

"No, sorry, I'm fine. Still here!" The Doctor reports in, and both sisters glare at the microphone in Rose's hands.

"Oh, I'm gonna kill him..." Katy muttered, both in relief and annoyance.

"You could've said, you stupid f-" Feedback cuts off Rose's insult.


Point Zero

"Whoa. Careful!" The Doctor retorts back to Rose.

"This is just anxiety talking here, Doctor. But sometimes I really hate you!" Katy confesses, and the Doctor grins warmly.

"No, you don't." He disagreed, knowing what she was saying was out of fear. "Anyway, it's both of us. Me and Ida. Hello." He confirms brightly, then becomes serious once again. "But the seals opened up. It's gone. All we've got left is this chasm." The Doctor reports back.

"How deep is it?" asks Zach.

"Can't tell. It looks like it goes down forever," the Doctor describes with a slightly disturbed tone of voice.

"The pit is open," Rose stated. "That's what the voice said." She insisted.

"But there's nothing. I mean, there's nothing coming out?" Zach asked, dumbfounded.

"No, no. No sign of the Beast." The Doctor reassures them all.

"It said Satan..." Rose pointed out, sounding vulnerable. But the Doctor scoffs at the idea, and quickly sets the blonde straight.

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