Hope Springs Eternal

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"Oh, all that I know, there's nothing here to run from. 'Cause yeah, everybody here's got somebody to lean on." - Coldplay: 'Don't Panic' (Parachutes [2000])



Katy approaches the TARDIS and is about to hip-check the door open when it opens automatically by itself.

"Thank you," she says to the TARDIS who hums in reply.

She, Rose, and Mickey carefully lay the Doctor down on the metal grated floor and take a breather against the console or on the jump seat. Mickey looks curiously at the console before looking at the sisters.

"No chance you could fly this thing?" He asks, and Rose shook her head.

"Not anymore, no." She replied, and Mickey just looked at her with a frown.

"But you didn't fly it, Katy did," He reminds Rose, whose face falls in annoyance with the reminder that she hadn't been the one to save the day at the last minute. Rose turns and looks snidely at Katy.

"Well, can you?" She asks, and Katy shook her head.

"It's sort of been wiped out of my head, like it's forbidden," She lies to Rose but looks meaningfully at Mickey who gets up and comes over to perch beside Katy on the jump seat. "Try that again and I think the universe rips in half." Rose looks irritated by this fact and walks over to check on the Doctor, while Katy leans over and whispers into Mickey's ear. "If I were a Time Lady, I probably might be able to fly her."

"So why don't you become a Time Lady again then?" Mickey asked, and Katy's shoulders sagged as she looked a little frustrated.

"The TARDIS says I'm not ready yet. Or it's not time to release my essence yet," She explains, and Mickey's face falls.

"Well, that's a lot of help," He grumbles, and the TARDIS growls in response. "What was that?"

"I'd be careful what you say. She doesn't take too lightly to being criticised or grumped at," Katy explains, causing Rose to look over at her.

"And how would you know?"

"The Doctor explained the different hum, groans and growls at me for future reference," Katy once again lied. Mickey gets back up from the jump seat and leans against the console, rubbernecking about the expansive room.

"So, what do we do? Just sit here?" Mickey questioned.

"That's as good as it gets," Rose stated, miserably. Jackie comes in carrying one of the shopping bags and pulls out a flask of freshly made tea.

"Right, here we go. Nice cup of tea," She announces, unscrewing the cup-lid from the canister and pouring out some steaming hot tea. Rose rolled her eyes.

"Mmm, the solution to everything," She drawled, sarcastically. Jackie scowls at her for the comment.

"Now, stop your moaning. I'll get the rest of the food," Jackie states, before turning on her heel and leaving the TARDIS to fetch the rest of the shopping bags. Rose walks around to where Mickey was standing at the console, while Katy goes and crouches down beside the Doctor, now looking a little more peaceful. Katy hoped it was a sign that he was almost done with his regeneration.

Mickey was grinning light-heartedly.

"Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British," He starts tapping at random buttons on the console. "How does this thing work?" He asks, frowning curiously. "If it picks up TV, maybe we could see what's going on out there. Maybe we've surrendered." He looks over at Rose. "What do you do to it?"

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