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"I'm not afraid of anything in this world.
There's nothing you can throw at me, that I haven't already heard."
- U2: 'Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of' (All That You Can't Leave Behind [2000])


Unknown Laboratory

Nighttime had fallen and a man in a lab coat presses a button on a remote control that backlights a tall, humanoid figure. Smiling with satisfaction, the man, whose name was Kendrick, turns towards another figure who was sitting in an electric wheelchair in the shadows, looking at him rather impatiently.

"The prototype has passed every test, sir." Kendrick reports. "It's working." The other man, a tycoon called John Lumic, and hereafter referred to as Lumic, scoffs.

"I hardly think working is the correct word," Lumic moves his wheelchair forward out of the shadows and into direct light, glaring at Kendrick. "That would apply only to machines."

"I'm sorry. I should say, it's alive." Kendrick amends his previous remark, swallowing nervously. Lumic nods curtly, then focuses upon the humanoid figure with calculating eyes.

"Can it hear me?"

"It might still be in shock," Kendrick admits. "Bear in mind the brain has been welded to the exoskeleton." He explains to Lumic, who gives a satisfactory smirk.

"Skin of metal and a body that will never age or die," Lumic commented, before his face furrows slightly. "I envy it." He addresses the humanoid. "Do you know me?" It doesn't respond, and Lumic frowns in annoyance. "Answer. Do you know me?"

"You are John Lumic," the humanoid eventually responds in a stilted robotic voice. Lumic smiled triumphantly.

"My child," He greets the now revealed metal humanoid like a doting father, before returning his attention back on an uncomfortable Kendrick. "Mark this day, Doctor Kendrick. We are blessed."

"Well, it's not quite over yet, sir." Kendrick clears his throat, sounding rather reluctant to speak. "We need Geneva's approval. Technically, this is a new form of life, and that contravenes the Bio-convention." He tells Lumic, who looks at him calculatingly. "They need to ratify this."

"And they will refuse me." Lumic points out, seemingly uncaring.

"Nonetheless, we need to tell them," Kendrick nods his agreement, looking regretful and relieved that Lumic appeared to understand their predicament.

"And if I don't?" Lumic challenged him. Kendrick sagged with disappointment before pulling a determined look on his face.

"Well then, I'm sorry, sir, but it's my duty. I shall have to inform them." A sinister smirk spread across Lumic's face.

"And how will you do that from beyond the grave?" Lumic questioned him, causing Kendrick to blink at the elder man with confusion.

"I don't quite understand." He acknowledged, but Lumic ignores him turning towards the metal humanoid.

"Kill him." He orders. The metal humanoid obeys by putting a gauntlet on Kendrick's shoulder, sending strong electric currents through his system. Kendrick screams in agony, as Lumic turns away, smiling, and uses an intercom on his wheelchair. "Captain?"

"Yes, sir?" A man with obvious soldierly respect in his voice, responds.

"Inform all staff. We have a new destination," Lumic announces. "Set sail for Great Britain!"

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