Off to college.

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Andy pov:

Im lying in my bed and Mikey is in the shower, since he slept over here last night.

Its 6 in the morning, me and Mickey are going to college today so we have to leave early so we can get there early befor everyone else. I'm ready to go but of corse Mikey couldn't be ready on time. my boyfriend is meeting us down there.

Sudenly Mickey is in front of me and i jump because i got so scared. We both just begin to laugh. "Ready to go now?" he asks, "ofcourse it's me thats been waiting for you for the last 20 minutes mister!" i replay. "Well excuse me for wanting to look good when we get there" he says beginging to laugh again. 

When we get to the kitchenmy mom is sitting and waiting for us. "You guys are lte you have to hurry now" she says a little pissed. "Sorry mom, but this guy just HAD to take a shower" I say looking at Mickey. He looks really scared, but then we all burst into laughter. 

"Come let's going or we are gonna be late" Mickey says making me laugh even harder while I follow him to the door. "See you mom" I yelled back while running to the car. 

I sat next to Mickey, who was driving. We rolled down the windows and turned the music up. We both sang but when 'Someone you loved' by Lewis Capaldi came on we both sang our hearts out. I think it's a very beautiful song, it's defently one of my favorite songs. I think he has a beautiful voice. 

I just realisded i had spassed out when Mickey wawed a hand in front of my head and i jumped a little. "Sorry" i muttered. He just shook his head and cuntinued driving. 

We arrive at the college an hour before we had to. I am taking  music as my topic and he  are taking law as his topic. Boring i know, but i mean if thats what he wants to take then let him. 

"Come lets get our stuff to our house" ( I dont know what is called but what you live in while going to college and its on campus ) Mickey says almost dragging me with him. 

We walked a little with all our stuff until we gut to our house. It's small but it loooks comfy. I hurried into the bedroom and quickly took bed i wanted before he can say he wants it. 

Then he comes in and just shakes his head and looked at me nand i begin to laugh really hard.

He is going to his bed and putting his things on the floor. He put his hand up to his head all dramtaically and falls on the bed. Then we both begin to laugh our heats out. It's like we cant stop again. 

I stop laughing when i my stomach muscles begin to hurt.  "Lets pack our things out" Mickey says suddenly serious. "Well okay then" I snaswer little tired. It's 12 and we have to meet with my boyfriend at 2. I don't know why but somehow i dont really wanna see him, it just felt like recently he has been more and more aggressive over for me, but  of course no one knows that.

I'm unpacking my stuff out and putting it away, I stop and stare when i reach my favorite jumper that i got from my grandma. I really love it, like really, it just aways make me smile. Should i put it on? Nah let's wait till the fisrt day off school.

Im done unpacking my stuff and going to the bathroom to check if my hair is sitting good. I fix a little when i go back Mickey is done to and ready to go.


Sorry ther was so long before i uploaded this one but i had a lot of school stuff to do so i havent really had tim to write on this sorry. I will try opload as fast as i can

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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