Chapter 9: Fight of blood

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Reverse's p.o.v

It's been awhile I have a break, currently I have a break at one of the wisteria house before I can go to my next mission

"Here, this is your room" said the old lady who open the room for me to stay. I'm nodded and look at her, "Thanks for your service" I bowed to her as she bowed after me

This is quiet nice place, finally I can have a break after a long day fighting a weak demons and discovered a new breathing styles

I wonder how about the next mission will turns out

At the next morning, I have a little training with a sword before it's time for me to go. "I hope you are doing fine at your mission, young man" an old lady said to me, both of us at outside of wisteria house. I nodded to her and go to my next mission

At the next mission is quite take a long time to come there because I need to save my energy for a battle, I can felt something bad will happen

Finally, I'm see it, Mt. Hijikuzure, before I go there there one lady stop me. "Excuse me, young man" she said to me, I can sense her presence and she is a human

"Are you go to that mountain? Many travelers go there and they get lost without any track" said the lady. I'm look at that lady, she seems worried at me

"Yes, I'm. I have to make sure to visit my aunt, she live alone and her house is behind that mountain" I lied to her, but I have to for this mission, probably she doesn't know an existance of demons

"Oh really? Well, I hope you go there with save and sound. Anyways there a house at top of that mountain for a travelers who need a place to stay, I suggest you to go there" said that lady and my mind think there something wrong with that house she just mentions

"Thanks for that information" I said to her and go to that mountain and begins searching the house she just mentions but before that, I hid my sword at my back and begin to walk

After a long walk, finally I found that house. I come closer to it and knock the door, three times

Then a young lady in about 20 years old open the door and see me. She have yellow eyes and black hair. "Ah, are you also a travelers who come here?" she asked me and I'm nodded to here

"Come in" she allowed me to enter as I look around this house is really huge. "Please follow me to your room" said that young lady with her sweet smile but to me it disgusting, especially her smells like a demon

She open the door and I can see a futon already available there. For a demon like her, she really like to clean a stuff or she forced someone to do that?

"I hope you enjoy your stay" she bowed down and go away. I take a sigh, her demon presence really thick and made my throat dried

Whatever, I must be ready, she will do her actions this night and the victim might be me, since I'm have Marechi blood

End Reverse's p.o.v

No one p.o.v

At night time, everyone slept at their room but there two people who still awake

Reverse who pretent to sleep while wearing his mask and with that demon, that thing stay at kitchen as wiping it's fingers, where a bloods remains there. "This is been awhile, since I found a Marechi blood here. His smell really nice" she giggles as her eyes changed to growing yellow with her hair become longer than before

With Reverse, he still pretent to sleep and he still hide his sword at his back. His door open and that demon come closer to Reverse, she observe him to make sure he was sleep

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