Chapter 2: Ubuyashiki

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????'s p.o.v

Walking in mindless, I don't know what should I do next. My hand holding a small branch of wisteria, I think it will repellent me from that creature named demon and I think I safe, for now

During walking in the forest I can heard a trembling sound also a growls from someone or something stomuch

I think, that demon really attrach to the blood falling from my head. I keep walking until something caught my hearing sense, I turn my body to see a crow landed on the branch up there

"Weird....." I said as I pointed the crow, "A crow like you should go away from this forest or that demon will catch you" I said to that crow but it not go away but come to me and landed to my arm that pointed at it

I just realized, is every crow have jewels or decoration with them? This is kind of fashion or something?

"For a crow like you, you really have a better taste in fashion" I commented as I can heard the crow make a sound before it made something unexpected than I imagined

"Caw, caw! You must follow me to meet them, they already waiting for you" said the crow as my eyes widened, well to be think again, there a monster that seems like to eat human and then there a crow talking like a human, absolutely this world already upside down

"What do you mean by them? Are you at their side? If that so, are you friend or enemy?" I asked that crow

"They are a good people, I worked with them as their important massager, we come here as a friend" replied the crow as I look at it

"Show me the way" I said as the crow flying to the sky as I followed behind it, and still holding the branch of wisteria

After a few minutes, I come back to the place where I tied that demon at wisteria tree but it seems like it already gone. That crow made a sound as I follow it to come closer to the 2 children who-look like a twins and one lady, maybe their mother

"Welcome" said the lady as she bowed down then the children followed her

"Why you are calling me here?" I mumbled but enough to hear by them. "We come to help you, we saw how you can take down that demon without any nichirin sword" said that lady

Nichirin sword? "That's what I called a big brain conclusion" answered me bluntly as those those three look at me with weird look, okey, I shouldn't said that

Suddenly my vision start to blurry and I hear that lady called me but it getting darken, then I collapsed and I heard she scream and called me again

End ????'s p.o.v

No one p.o.v

In someone room, there someone laying on the futon with his head bandaged

The person opened his eyes slowly and look around and spotted a lady from before with a guy with a weird thing at his forehead, it that kind of illness?

"Good morning, child. I hope you getting better than yesterday" his voice really soothe to the ears and it was calm but warm like a river

"Where am I?" that boy asked as he look around while still in his futon

"You are saved, child. But now tell me what is your name?" asked that guy


"I.... don't remember. Do I have one before?" he answered him as that guy and lady look each other

"You really don't know who you are?" that guy asked again

"Yes, I'm only remember what happened last night, where I awake in some kind of forest without anything. Then a weird creature attack me but I managed to survived from it" said that person, he look at the guy an lady before look at the ceiling, "Who am I actually?" he asks to himself

'Is this boy, have amnesia like other boy? But he seems like remember what happened last night but not about himself' thought the lady

"How about I give you a name?" said that guy smile as that person and lady look at him

"Akito, which mean bright person"

"Akito? It that my name? I like it mister, but who are you"

"My name is Ubuyashiki Kagaya" said him with his calmness smile

"Kagaya? That was a beautiful name you have" said Akito as that guy, Kagaya smiles, "Thank you, my child"

"I want to ask Mister Kagaya. Do you know where am I now? Also fo you you know what kind a creature called demon who attacked me last night?" asked Akito

"Of course, my child, you are in Demon Slayer HQ, this where our warrior the Demon Slayer, they are work to behead a creature you said before, a demon. They always roaming at the night time and sometimes when it cloudy at daytime. They will eat human to get more strength and that's why Demon Slayer crops existed" explained Kagaya

Out of nowhere, that lady start to speak, "I'm Kagaya's wife, Ubuyashiki Amane. I'm the one brought you here along with my children. After you fainted, we called Kakushis and bring you here. Also I want to ask something, what is that thing at your left wrist? It's seems can't let go from you" said her

Akito look at his left waist and just realized there a weird thing at his left waist. 'What is this thing? Where I found it? And why I think it is really important to me?'

"I don't know what is this, but I think it have connection with my past, somehow I can feel it..." answered him

"I see"

Akito look at the guy again and before he can say anything that guy cut him first, "Please rest your body more, my child. I hope you will get better after this" said him as he get up by help of the lady at his side and they walking to outside, left Akito looking at them

After the door closed, Akito look at the ceiling and close his eyes once again

Taisho secret:

Akito name is after Kagaya's youngest brother, who also had a same name

After discovered Akito have Marechi blood, Ubuyashiki think they have to protect him but Akito is such a stubborn and he will do a training to become strong even he was a Merachi

After told them to become swordman, they are worried and shocked except Kagaya and he allowed Akito to be Demon Slayer because he believed in him

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