The Main Character

Start from the beginning

She hugged his waist and looked hopeful. "Shìzūn, will I have a shimei or shidi?" she asked.

Shen Yuan could tell from his tone of voice that Jiu-ge relaxed a bit. "Do you want a shidi or shimei?" he asked Ning Yingying.

Ning Yingying nodded repeatedly at that question. Jiu-ge started petting his fur in a monotonous motion while narrowing his eyes at the crowd of children digging.

Jiu-ge fixed his eyes on Luo Binghe and said to Yue Qingyuan, "I want that one." Yue Qingyuan seemed quite hesitant and started to quietly mumble to himself.

It didn't take long for Jiu-ge to repeat in a colder tone of voice, "I want him." If Shen Yuan hadn't heard Yue Qingyuan's and Jiu-ge's previous conversation, he would think Jiu-ge was asking for a beating with that level of disrespect.

Yue Qingyuan really is a pushover; he just nodded reluctantly and agreed, "Okay." There's something strange with the sect leader, Jiu-ge, and Shen Yuan isn't sure if he'll ever find out what that something is.

Ning Yingying had already run off to pull Luo Binghe out of the crowd when Shen Yuan looked over.

To his disappointment, he didn't actually get close to the protagonist as he seemed to be leaving with Ning Yingying. However, Jiu-ge had to attend the rest of the disciple selection as the second in command of the sect.

The rest of the ceremony isn't all that special either, and Jiu-ge gets out of there as soon as it's appropriate. Then comes the part that he knows all too well, probably the part that started everyone's hatred for Jiu-ge as a villain.

Luo Binghe was led to the bamboo house, and the young and chatty Ning Yingying was sent off.

Jiu-ge had also tried to leave him in another room, but Shen Yuan knows what will go down once Jiu-ge sits down to have tea, and there's just no way he'll let him do that.

So Shen Yuan persistently clings to him until Jiu-ge just gives up and lets Shen Yuan follow him to the other room.

He settles down with Jiu-ge, glaring at the hot cup of tea in his hands before looking at Luo Binghe. The young protagonist was nervously standing there.

Luo Binghe looks at him for a moment but immediately looks at Jiu-ge when Shen Jiu starts speaking. If you told someone now that this scrawny child would become the emperor of multiple realms, they would think you're either crazy or that you have a unique sense of humor.

Truly, he does feel bad for Luo Binghe. The boy is looking at Jiu-ge like a god, but Shen Yuan knows better. He's read the novel, and in real life too, he's seen all the ugly sides of Jiu-ge over the months of cohabitation.

It goes as said in the novel. Ming Fan's bossy. Jiu-ge asks some questions while Binghe kneels on the floor. Even the lines are the exact ones from the novel, if he remembers correctly now.

But when Luo Binghe talks of his mother, there is something on Jiu-ge's face that's different from the novel. The novel described Jiu-ge in the situation as cold, cruel, and elegant, but right now what Shen Yuan could see is envy and jealousy.

Jiu-ge stands up, holding Shen Yuan in one hand and the tea cup in the other. That's his cue. He wiggles and manages to bite and scratch at the hand holding the tea cup. Jiu-ge holds him farther away while setting down the cup of tea. "What's the matter with you?" he hisses quietly.

Shen Yuan bites his hand again and hisses, struggling to get out of Jiu-ge's hold. Jiu-ge doesn't put up much of a fight and easily lets Shen Yuan slip away with a bit of a confused look.

Immediately when Shen Yuan hits the ground, he jumps to where Jiu-ge set down the teacup and knocks it off to the floor, breaking it. The pieces shatter all over the ground.

The original scene went like this: Shen Jiu pours warm tea on Luo Binghe, and Binghe is forced to kneel there until Shen Jiu comes back and allows him to stop. That's something he wants to avoid.

Jiu-ge looks at him with annoyed confusion and picks him up again with a sigh. Luo Binghe also looks at them with confusion, but it's that slight dislike that he sees in Luo Binghe's eyes.

Well, Luo Binghe was very devoted and grateful to Jiu-ge in the beginning of the novel. Does Luo Binghe dislike him since he's causing problems for his new Shìzūn? God, Binghe is naive. A little white lotus.

Jiu-ge glanced quickly at Ming Fan before glancing indifferently at Luo Binghe. 'You two are dismissed. Clean this mess up before you leave, Ming Fan,' he said, walking out of the room while carrying Shen Yuan with one arm.

"Yes, Shìzūn!" Both disciples responded, with Binghe being a beat late. Jiu-ge sighed again, and for Shen Yuan, that means mission success!

Luo Binghe is neither drenched in tea nor is he thinking that he's a disappointment, so that's all a win for Shen Yuan.

Even if this somehow does upset Jiu-ge, it's for his own good. If he can prevent the abuse, he'll be saving Jiu-ge's life at the same time.

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It was the only sound he heard while sitting around with Jiu-ge in the other room, waiting for Ming Fan to leave the bamboo house.

Guys, I'm so confused about ages. At this point in storyline Binghe is about 9-13 years old and Yinying is a but older. Now Ming Fan had a crush on Yingying in the story but teh fact is that he acts like a head deciple in this point in time. Usually head deciples are well experienced adults but Ming Fan is described as 16 looking when svsss happens. Btw does no one else find it a bit disturbing that in Binghe's point of view he fell in love with a man atleast twice his age and that's being generous. I'm very very confused.

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