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Countless threads of life,

Many in yellow And many white.

Yet none of them

Can move or glide.

For destiny, dear folks

It Never picks any side.

An immovable boulder

That many wish,

They could fight.

But spirits they

Could only yell,

Out in quite.

Threads of red

And threads of black.

Destiny a game

Where many lack.

For when there's longing,

You can never turn back.

The threads of all colours

And threads of all sorters

They forever lie in the hands

Of the supreme controller.

Be it Fortune or misfortune

They never last...

Along with Fits of rage,

And lovers at bay!

Everything's temporary

In life my dear

Though you'd rather

They stay!

For destiny you see!

Would it

budge for once!

When it sees them

Lovers splitting,

And men falling apart!

But then there's you

Who's Searching for

some sympathy In it,

Akeen to looking

for a needle.....

in a sack of hay.

For it is a great boulder!

Can't hear your screams!

Can't hear you wail!

Even when your Life's at stake,

and there's nothing left to say,

It still chooses disobey.

Yet one thing for sure.

The only great teacher

Besides this boulder

Is no one but life my dear.

While destiny teaches you to stay put,

Life teaches you to move away.



O my god! O my god!

Guys is this actually written. By. Me!!!

Dude! This turned out sooooo good!

I am actually happy with the results.


Also, this is the most effort I have put in a poem...

Loved how it turned out😭

W. Hardwork pays off🗣️🗣️

Anyways, so, I would love to thank
HopelessRomanticPoo for the topic
"A poem on destiny"

Girl I have pushed myself so hard for this one!

Hope you like it.🤗 Guys.

Thx. I had fun writing this.

And please don't forget to vote and comment ✨

Forever in your heart 💜

And bue bue ❤️

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