Chapter Twenty Four: Violet Meets Semi-Formal

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That was enough for Violet to zone out as she lost interest immediately and started doodling on paper to pass the time of the film. Every now and then she heard Riley talking about Billy and soon enough, she put two and two together, with her realized that Riley was talking about Lucas who didn't even notice. When the video ended, Cory spoke up "Yikes. Okay. So, can anyone here tell me if they possibly learned anything from that" and Riley turned towards Lucas "Yes. Time to make some choices, Billy. Simple enough for you, Billy" she snapped and Lucas only looked at her confused. With that the bell rung, Violet went to her locker to put her books away as thankfully she had no homework and even if she did, it was already done as she closed her locker, she jumped in fright as Lucas appeared out of nowhere. "Jesus Cowboy don't do that" she told him as she slapped his chest making him laugh and raised his hand in surrender "My apologies darling. I just had a question to ask you" he told her. Violet looked at him with suspicion as she didn't trust him, Lucas looked at her "I was wondering if you'd go to the Semi-Formal with me" he asked and she couldn't help but to stare at him "And why would I do that" she asked him.

"Because I'll go to Shawn" Lucas told her making her gasp before glaring "You wouldn't dare, he'd force me to go" she told him as she knew Shawn would love to see her in an actual dress. Hell, she knew he would want to take pictures and that made her sigh as she wanted to make him happy "Fine. I'll go to the dance with you, but I won't like it" she said making Lucas smile big. "You won't regret it. I promise" he told her and Violet nodded as her eyes came across Charlie Gardner asking Riley to the dance and she excitedly answered before she realized who actually asked her. Violet laughed "She thought it was you" she told him as they decided to watch the scene closer. "I can't believe you actually said yes. I waited because I was sure Lucas was going to ask you, but when he didn't I knew there had to be a problem. So I asked you because I think a girl like you deserves to swept off her feet" Charlie told Riley and Violet thought it was the sweetest thing she ever heard. Riley didn't seem pleased as she looked to Maya for assistance before she wrapped herself up in a web of lies of how she can't go to the dance.

"Oh Riley you can't go the dance?" Lucas asked as Riley raised her arms in disbelief "Unbelievable" she cried out as Charlie looked between the two "Well you two must have a lot to talk about. By the way I don't regret asking her. I did it because I know you're the type of person who would give up the dance to help your parents out" he said and Lucas looked at him "Ah so you're the one who set this up and asked Riley to the dance" he said to Charlie. "I did because you see, you didn't. And I'm sorry but do you need more than 10 months?" Charlie asked as Lucas smiled catching him off guard "No that's not it at all. I asked Violet to the dance" he explained causing Riley and Maya's head to snap Violet's way. "You asked her!?" Riley and Maya said in unison as Violet shrugged "It's not like I wanted to, but he threatened me with Shawn so I had to" she said nonchalantly. "Good, well I'll leave you to it" Charlie said as an applause came out as he picked up Yogi and walked away, Riley turned her attention to Lucas "So you're going with Violet" she asked him and hoped his answer would change. "Yes, I did. I knew if I didn't then she wouldn't go and I didn't want her to miss out on the dance" Lucas explained and Riley just looked at him as he grabbed an unsuspecting Violet's arm "I'm sorry you can't make it to the dance" he told her before tugging Violet to class.




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