Chapter Twenty One: Violet Meets Rules

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Outfit of the Day

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Outfit of the Day

Violet raised a brow as they sat in their seats and saw no Cory which was odd as he was never late for work, she just hoped for no chaos

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Violet raised a brow as they sat in their seats and saw no Cory which was odd as he was never late for work, she just hoped for no chaos. She watched as Maya went to Cory's desk "During Maya time, we open the confiscation drawer and take back all the stuff from the land of unfairly taken toys" she said as she rummaged through the drawer tossing toys out and somehow kept hitting Farkle in the process. "This isn't going to end well is it?" Violet asked Lucas who turned around to answer "Not in the slightest but it's Maya what do you expect" he told her and she nodded "True that." They both watched as the class spun out of control and Violet knew she could end it, but where was the fun in that as Cory walked into the class "When did you guys decide there are no rules in here? When did my generosity in allowing you express yourselves make you think you could turn my class into a zoo?" he asked as the class quieted down and returned to their seats. Everyone apologized except for Violet and Lucas as they didn't participate in any of the mess that was created, "Lucas. Violet. Why are you guys the only ones here that didn't say i'm sorry?" Cory asked. "I never do anything" Lucas responded as Violet shrugged her shoulders "Controlled chaos is better than chaotic chaos" and Cory shook his head "No. Because you respect the rules. Because you know without them, civilization becomes chaos. The rest of you are gonna spend the afternoon thinking about that, with the exception of Lucas the good and Violet the wise" he said making her cringe.

Lucas didn't like his nickname as he knew it was gonna get stuck with him and he was correct as Maya had everyone wearing a shirt "I gotta do something" Lucas said as Cory looked at him "You can fight this, Lucas" he encouraged. Lucas was too far gone as he texted Cory a message causing him to check his phone and he looked impressed "Detention" he told him and Lucas looked relieved "Oh thank you sir" he said to him. Violet shook her head at the scene in front of her as she didn't want detention but decided it would probably be fun to see what it was like with the whole class. She pulled out her phone and sent Cory a message "Can you pretend to be offended and give me detention?" and looked for his reaction. Cory looked at his phone reading the message as he dramatically gasped and held his chest "Ms. Summers detention" he said and Violet looked at him "But I didn't even do anything" she said in fake shock.

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