Chapter Thirty-Six

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You're sneaking around as best a pregnant woman possibly can. Especially given your only source of light being the moon. Verna had regained some sense of her composure to be up on her own again. Sissy was a head of you checking ways were clear before she signaled you two to follow her. You wanted so desperately to see your little Wes. You also wanted Johnny. You needed him. To see him. To hold him. To hear him.

You're now outside the area you were just held captive and raped. The sound of old rusty metals swaying with he wind hitting random things around you. It was eerie. As you're about to cross over following Sissy you recognize boot prints in the dirt. They're... they're absolutely Johnny's. He's tracking someone... smaller male feet were being walked over by his boots. Those are definitely not Nubbins... tread is wrong... You cross to sissy and inform her of the tracks.

"I... I can't take ya back in there YN Johnny would kill me if I took ya back in there hun... he told me to get ya out... so I'm doing just that!"

As you go to protest her the sound of a man yelling echos from the building near you. Without thinking you quickly hobble towards the noise. Clenching your weapon in hand, if it was Johnny... you'll kill whoever harmed him.

Stepping back in to the dark building, the screaming had stopped abruptly as a loud thud happened. Shit.. Johnny... You faintly hear words on the other side of the wall. As you're about to round the corner a gloved hand comes around your mouth. The smell of the leather is familiar. Even though those gloves are worn doing horribly disgusting things. The smell was euphoric knowing you were in safe hands.


You fall back in to his chest. He nestles is head against yours before pulling your face to him. The moonlight peaking through the door striking half his face. A kiss quickly pressed upon your lips. He checks you over quickly. Examining where your shackles were prior. A snarl of his nose as you turn your body to face him. You lean in to his ear and tell him everything. You feel his muscles tense up as you're holding his arms. When you pull away his face is telling. He's pissed.

Just as he goes to say something two sets of foot steps leave the room you were just listening in on. As if it was destined to be... there was Dustin carrying a gun. Dragging his younger brother behind him. The little bit of moonlight hitting him painted him covered in blood. What did he do to that poor boy?

"Damn it" Johnny whispers.

Does he know? How did Johnny find out?

As you go to ask him anything. He moves swiftly. As if he glided in slow motion... before Dustin could even react Johnny cocked his head to the side and dug his blade deep in his throat before pulling it across. The hand that was dragging Darby falls to his side. The gun falls to the ground going off. You scream. Darby falls backwards on his rear, his eyes bugged. Shit what if he tries to go for the gun.

Lunging forward you reach for the gun, beginning to wield it. The guy was just sat there. Bewildered. Watching Johnny.

"I... I... they would have killed me... for what I... I just did..." he mustered out.

Johnny threw the body forward landing face first in the mud and hay.

"... your... the kid he's... not I couldn't..."

"He's fine" both Johnny and yourself say.

"...that's... I'm glad" Darby says sighing.

"You alright kid?" Johnny asks sliding his blade in to its sheathe before kneeling to face level.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now