"All right, all right" Nelly says sitting down as Japhia grabs his cup "To fate," He says turning to the crowd "Yeah. Cheers," Nelly says as they hit their cups together "Goodbye, Nelly Jackson," He says as they both down their cups.

I gasped as Nelly started coughing and gaging "Nelly" George screamed as Amorous held her back "Nelly" I Yelled trying to stand up but the pain in my arm kept me on the ground Nelly sat up and stopped coughing "I swallowed a fly" She says smirking Japhia starts to stop breathing "You all right?" Nelly asks making me smile.

"I'm all right," He says coughing as he grabs his throat, Amorous falls to the floor and I see Roxy standing behind him with a pan "George, it's all right," Roxy says grabbing George, Nelly helps me up and we all run to the other side of the stage "Kill them" Japhia yells as he falls to the floor.

Amorous starts walking up to us with the hot rod still in his hand, Nelly stands in front of us all as she walks up to him. He runs away screaming making me laugh "My last words-" Japhia says before getting hit by the curtain falling.

"We didn't need to hear them," The pregnant woman says walking on stage with the other women "Well done," Polly says making me and George smile "That was the best thing I've seen in years," Someone says as everyone claps for Nelly.

I look over at Nelly and smile "Oh god" The pregnant lady says as her water breaks, We all gasp as Nelly walks up to us "Uh... good luck with that" Nelly says making me look at her "Let's go. Come one. Let's go, Roxy" Nelly whispers as she drags us out.

George, Polly, and I are sitting out by a river while Nelly and Roxy help the woman giving birth in her carriage "The miracle of birth is not for me" Polly says making me smile "I feel the same" I say as we hear the woman screaming as she pushes out the baby, I turn to George to see her smiling as well.

We hear a baby start to cry and the door opens, out walks Nelly holding the baby Polly and I both stand up "Aww look how cute" I say walking up To Nelly and taking the baby making faces at it.

I turn around to see Polly kissing Nelly "Oh come on Polly," I say as Roxy takes the baby from me "What are your thoughts on Reble Nelly as a title?" The woman as they step out of the carriage "Uh, well I'm not helping you write a show about me" Nelly says walking up to me.

"There's enough guff out there already," Nelly says taking my arm and looking at my burn "Well, I just want you to know I don't care that your father was a poacher," Polly says making me roll my eyes "He was not," George says making me turn to look at her.

"Uh, oh right. Of course" Polly says Nelly puts my arm down "What else does it say? What else?" She asks walking up to Polly for the news sheet "Nothing" Polly says hiding the paper "No what? Tell me" Nelly says as George and I unroll the other papers.

"Obviously, slander obviously but they just say, you know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree that the whole family's gone bad and they're thieves too, and... you know, generally no better than they ought to be" She says making it all worse.

"Right," Nelly says walking back over to us "Well, you know the way they write about women sometimes, it doesn't matter people won't believe it," Polly says as Nelly sits next to me and starts wrapping up my arm.

"No, that's exactly what the tripe folk will believe," The woman says holding her baby, Nelly sighs "Keep it dry for the next few days and you'll be fine," She says looking me in the eyes "Right," She says standing up.

"We are gonna smash the presses up," she says grabbing her hat "They'll just make more" Roxy says looking at my new bandages "Well, maybe no one's ever stood up to them before all those rags do is feed off misery and make more of it, Roxy they make monsters like that Japhia slug, and tell lies" Nelly says making Polly stand up.

"We need to show them they can't get away with it people need to know the truth matters because it does, we can stop them I think that's what we're meant to do," Nelly says, Roxy looks at me "Yeah all right" Roxy says standing up "All right" Nelly says as George and I walk over as well "can we look for Mr. Resselas too, Nelly?" George asks.

"Youse up to giving us a lift?" Nelly asks the woman sitting with the baby, they just shake their head yes "Give us a second" Nelly says pulling me away from the group "Are you okay?" Nelly says as she looks me up and down "I'm fine, other than the burn" I say pulling my arm up "I would have been here sooner if I knew" She says cupping my face.

"Oh, Nelly," I say as I pull her in for a kiss, she pulls away "But I'm sorry he only got you because you knew me," She says making me feel bad "And I'm so glad I do know you because who would risk drinking poison to save me," I say smiling.

"God you do find the good in everything," She says smiling at me as she pulls me in for a kiss, I Pull away "You know it, and by the way, Polly likes you," I say laughing as her face turns sour "So funny" She says as she pulls me in again.

We pull apart when we need air "Let's go now," She says smirking as she pulls me long, I get in the carriage with the girls "Finally," George says hitting Roxy in the arm "What?" I ask "Oh nothing just you and Nell," Roxy says making me hit the both of them as we all laugh "What I don't get it?" Polly says making us laugh more.

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