Chapter 13

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"Esther do you want to go see the play, Aunt Mary gave me two pounds can you believe it" I say smiling as Esther finishes the dishes, I always feel bad that Esther is working for me but she says she doesn't mind, which doesn't put my mind to rest at all but I try and act like I don't mind her cleaning after me.

"Okay, but I don't have anything to wear," She says putting the cloth she was holding down "You can borrow a dress of mine," I say smiling as I grab her hand and drag her to my room "Wow you think this will work," She says picking up a purple dress "Try it on and see," I say looking for my dress.

"Okay, what do you think" She asks walking out looking stunning "You look breathtaking," I say walking up to her holding my pink dress "Thank you, Delia," She says hugging me "No problem, just give me a minute to get ready and then we can go," I say smiling as I go into to my bathroom to change.

"Should we tell Miss Mary where leaving?" She asks as we walk downstairs "Yeah I guess we should" I say almost tripping on my dress "Wahoo there Delia" Aunt Mary says walking up to us "We're about to go we just wanted to say bye" I say hugging her goodbye.

"Okay don't be out too late I need your help in the shop tomorrow," She says smiling "You girls look amazing don't get into any trouble," She says looking right at me "Hey I won't," I say smiling as Esther and I walk out "Hey after the show I have to stop at the pub and see the Girls," I said as we walked up to watch the performance "Okay," She says as we sit next to Becky.

"Hey you can go back home if you want I'm going with Becky to the pub," I say pointing to Becky as I walk up to Esther "Yeah sounds good meet you back home," She says waving as I turn around and walk with Becky.

"So you knew Nelly?" she asks as we walk To the Pub "Yeah we go way back to when we were like 8 I think she helped me after my parents died, gave me food, and convinced her dad to let me stay with them," I say turning to her to see her tearing up.

"I'm sorry that happened to you and now Sam is dead I'm sorry," she said hugging me "I'm fine now, but thanks," I said smiling "I'm gonna go see Roxy and George now if you don't mind" I say backing away "Okay night Delia," she says walking off.

"Roxy," I say coming up behind her as she cleans the cups "Deila?" she asks, I nod as she runs up to hug me "I Missed you, I thought you were killed or worse," she says pulling away looking me up and down "are you okay?" she asks.

I laugh "I'm fine," I say smiling "Ugh rude, I was distraught and you were fine," She says hitting me in the arm "Hey did you want me to be killed" I say making us both laugh "No but I missed you and George cried a whole day she was so worried" She says making me feel bad.

"Well I'll go see her now and I'll say bye to you before I leave," I say stepping back about to leave "Okay she is in the first door to the right, missed you," She says smiling as I walk away.

I walk up to the door and take a breath before walking in "George" I whisper trying not to wake the kids in the next room "Delia?" She asks rudding her eyes "Yes it's me," I say walking up to her bed "I can't believe it I was so scared you would never come and see me again" She says as I sit down.

"I would never do that I'm sorry," I say hugging her "I Missed you lots George, how are you doing with the whole wound thing?" I ask pulling away and looking at her shoulder "I'm fine soon I won't even need this" She says gesturing toward her sling.

"That's amazing I'm so glad you're doing well," I say smiling "I'm tired can you lay with me and rub my back please?" She asks with her puppy eyes "Yes I will" I say smiling as we lay down and I rub her back, next thing I know we're both asleep.

I woke up to a man at the side of the bed talking to Georg who was sitting up in the bed beside me "Hmm. Good stuff. Now then...." he said pointing his pistol at us "Where's the other one" he said making George and I turn to see Roxy's bed empty "Uh, I don't know" George says.

"Oh, Well... you two will do," He says as she clicks his gun making me grab Georges's hand he leads us to his carriage and makes us get in, the two women in there hand me a piece of paper and make me write a ransom note.

Another girl joins us "Here write a ransom note" I say handing it to her as I lay down and try to get some sleep because this is gonna be a long day.

"Hold on, you're supposed to be writing a ransom note, not a blooming novel," George says sitting up as the girl with us writes some wack-ass story instead of the ransom not "I was just trying to explain how I got here," She says sounding stupid "Well just let me see it," I say taking the paper reading what she wrote.

"This is bonkers like actually, what were you thinking," I ask handing the note to George "I'm afraid that a delicious twist in irony is these villains have accidentally kidnapped the exactly right person," She says making me look at her in disbelief.

"For I, Ms. Polly Honycombe, am the true abject of the highwayman's affections," She says sighing, if she keeps talking I'm going to get a headache "You don't mean our Nell, Nell Jackson?" George asks making us both turn to look at the girl.

"Short for Nelson, I presume," She says "Nell's not a man she's my sister, that's why they took me. They must have thought you were Roxy somehow" George says making the women go pela "Why are you here?" she asks turning to me "Well we're best friends and I Kind of used to live with her and it's complicated," I say looking at her as she stares off.

"A Highwaywomen, women are you two absolutely certain?" She asks looking at the both of us, we shake our heads "You keep quiet if you know what's good for you" one of the women in the corner says scaring all of us.

"Hey," The other one says pulling out her knife "Finish the note," She says pointing the knife at us, as George gets to work writing the note.

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