Chapter 3

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I woke up in the night to the sounds of someone right outside of my door I lit my candle and opened my door to see George "Hey what are you doing up this late at night" I asked her yawning "Well I thought I heard Nell up but I was wrong" she says yawning "ok well go to bed see you in the morning" I say smiling at her.

"Okay night," she says walking back to her room I turn around and walk to Nelly's room to see what George is talking about when I get to her door I don't hear anything so I knock "What Now" she says opening the door looking surprised "sorry I ran into George in the hall and she said something about you so I came to check on you," I say smiling.

"Oh okay I'm sorry," she says looking down "Well night then Nelly," I say as I turn to walk away "It's Nell Delia, and sleep tight," she says smiling "Okay Nelly," I say smiling as I walk down the hall to my room.

Two weeks later

"Hey where's Nelly" I ask George as I walk into the pub after work wet and tired "She's in the courtyard," she says still not looking up "ok, talk later," I say as I walk out to the courtyard.

"Nelly," I ask looking for her "Hey Delia," she says not looking away from what she's doing "So how was your day" she asks as I sit on the steps watching her throw rocks into a bucket.

"It was ok it was hot and wet as you can tell," I say looking down at my dress as Nelly stops and looks at me "Oh yeah well I needed to talk to you about something," she says sitting next to me.

"What," I ask looking at her confused "Well I'm going to join the Queen's shilling," she says looking down "Oh," I say looking at the ground than anywhere but her.

"We can write," she says "Are you leaving for the same reason as last time, " I ask tearing up "No of course not I shouldn't have said that last time and I'm sorry," she says This time I can feel her looking at me "look at me Delia," she says.

"What" I say looking at her with tears falling "Look I'll miss you lots but.." she says looking down "You'll do amazing things one day I just wish it wasn't so soon," I say looking at her.

She hugs me "Hey we'll meet one day again," she says after we are in joy the hug, and she pulls away "Okay I should go change," I say standing up and looking at my dress "Well I think you look good," she says smirking as I look down at my dress blushing "thanks," I say kissing her cheek and walking back inside.


"So you're going to take the Queen's shilling how?" Roxy asks Nelly as we prep her horse to leave " I thought you have to be a fellow" Roxy asks Nelly "No I've seen loads of women join the army, disguise themselves as fellas and you go out and about you see the world and you meet people and then... you know to blow them up" she says getting on her horse as me and Roxy side hug.

"you'll write this time so we know where you are and you're not dead," Sam says holding George on his back "You can't write," Nelly says looking at us "We'll find someone that can," Sam says "you can't read," Nelly says "George and I can Vicar taught us, George can read better than him now," I say smiling at George "Nice meeting you, Nelly, Nell" George says "and you, kid," Nellys says smiling "bye Nelly," I say smiling at her she then turned and winked at me.

"Come on, Ashrumbs," she says ridding off on her horse "At least she ain't dead no more," George says as I rudded Roxy's back for comfort "Yeah," Sam says as he turns to walk back to the pub with me and Roxy not far behind

The next morning Roxy and I come downstairs and head to work and find Sam's unfinished work on the table Roxy walks up to the broken chair with all the wood shavings around it she looks at me and I automatically know what she is saying.

"Pa?" she yells out behind the bar "Sam?" I yell walking around looking for him we hear knocking on the door I open it to see the same guy who told me my pa was dead Roxy and I run to his cart to see if it is him she lifts the blanket to find Sam dead I walked off to the side and vomited the thought of what's happing it can't be real.


Next thing I know I'm riding a horse with George to find Nelly, Roxy and a gentleman named Rasselas are on one right beside and as we try to find Nelly before it's too late when we get to the town we get off the horses and started to walk throw the city to find her.

"What are you doing here?" we hear turning to see Nelly walking up to us "Nell, Pa is dead they said he was shot poaching but-" Roxy says but George cuts her off "It's lies! Mr. Resselas told us, this is Mr. Rasselas" she yells from on top one of the horses.

Nelly looks at all of us in disbelief "It was Thomas Blancheford" Rasselas says "Uh, but how?" she asks turning to me "he came in the night. He took him" I say getting a little choked up "No, I won't let him. I won't let him get away with this," she says walking off.

Riding back home was intense Nelly was riding so fast it felt hard to hold on Thank god George was on the back of Rasselas's horse with Roxy, the ride back felt longer than the one there.

When we got back to the pub Nelly looked at Sam's wounds "You're right. those bullets went in after he was dead" Nelly says standing over him "How did you know?" Rasselas asks Nelly "Because I've dressed more wounds and corpses than you've had hot dinners, sunbeam there's no blood loss that means his heart had stopped pumping before they shot him, the gunpowder this was done at point-blank range that is not how you shoot someone poaching," Nelly says walking off.

"What are we going to do?"Roxy asks Nelly "I can't breathe in here," she says walking to the door "I gotta go, you won't let on I said anything will ya?" Rasselas asks Roxy as I walk out to Find Nelly and make sure she's okay.

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