Chapter 4

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I walked outside to see Nelly standing by her horse thinking of what to do next "Nelly, I'm so sorry" I said walking up to her, she hugged me "I don't know what to do but I think I have an idea" she says not yet pulling away from the hug "and what might that be?" I ask as she pulls away and smirks.

While standing in Lord Blancheford's study "I'm sorry about your father. he was a good tenant, but he knows as well as anyone the penalties for," he says but Roxy cuts him off "My father would sooner cut his own hand off then steal from you" she says lashing out "I'm afraid the fact remains" he says "he was shot after he was dead" I said wanting him to stop lying.

" he was shot at point-blank range," George says making me put my arm around her "Yeah, look I know you don't want to hear this--" Nelly says before being cut off by Roxy "Hey you Thomas killed him, him and his stupid friends and now your trying to cover it up" "well not you obviously," Nelly says as we all looked at Roxy.

"We know that you wouldn't involve yourself in anything so... tawdry, but someone has," Nelly says trying not to lash out by the looks of it "You're upset, you're letting your imaginations run away with you but you won't achieve anything by fabricating your own version of events" he says sounding stupid.

"If you force me to find another magistrate, I will," Nellys says not stepping down "Then it will be your word against mine," he says not wanting to admit he's wrong "You were overheard making arrangements with your gamekeeper" Nelly says as she walks up closer to his desk.

"Overheard by whom?" he asks starting to look scared "You paid him and one of your men to do your dirty work," Nelly says making me smile because we got him "I'd like to offer you the tenancy of the talbot," he says making Roxy and I share a look of surprise "what," Nelly asks him with the sound of disbelief.

"I want to hear no more wild allegations about my son, think about it I have no desire to make you homeless, any of you," he says looking at all of us and then stopping at Nelly.

"So what does this mean?" I ask Nelly as we walk back home "If we accept it, that means we're accepting the lie, that Dad's a thief, a poacher" Nelly says "But he wouldn't care about that he would care about us losing the Talbot" Roxy says disbelief "They're sharing his name, and the Talbot is just a pub" Nelly says making me look down.

We can't lose our home, I can't do that again "It's our home" I say looking at Nelly she looks down at me and then back at the road ahead "It's Pa's pub" George says making me look down at her and agree "I don't want to go, Nell" Roxy says looking at Nelly.

"All right" Nelly says "Really?" I ask her surprised "We'll take the tenancy," Nelly says making me smile at her "What about the army?" George asks Nelly  "It'll wait till you don't need me no more I'll stick around until then," Nelly says As George grips her hand making me smile at the two.

"So how long till we won't need you?" I ask Nelly as we clean up the pub before bed "Well how long do you think you will need me" Nelly asks walking behind the bar where I am "I think the girls will need 3 months at least" I say walking to the back room with Nelly right behind me "And you?" she asks smirking.

I look up at her "I will always need you Nelly Jackson" I say turning to look back at the cups in the sink "Delia, the name's Nell" she says walking up behind me hugging me from behind, and putting her head in my neck "Don't leave again" I say wanting this moment never to end.

"I'll have to leave someday Delia," she says I pull away from her and walk upstairs to find George outside of my room "I'm scared can we all sleep together so we know where everyone is?" George asks me with her puppy eyes "Yeah that sounds like a good idea" I hear from behind me, just to turn and see Nelly standing at the top of the stairs smirking.

The next morning we all woke up to someone knocking  on the door "What?" Nelly asks the man standing at the door "I'm acting on behalf of Lord Blancheford serving you notice to quit the property" he says handing Nelly some paper "What are you on about? He offered me the tenancy yesterday" Nelly says looking at the piece of paper.

"you've got until midday to take what's yours," he says "Midday?" "What?" "Are you dumb?" we all say at the same time "I said he offered me the tenancy!" Nelly yells "Anything left here after that, I'll be clearing out for you," he says making Nelly mad "Yeah?" she says shoving the paper at him "I'd get packing," he says throwing the paper at me and walking away.

"what are we going to do?" Roxy asks looking at Nelly "I know what I'm going to do" Nelly says walking back inside "What?" Roxy and I ask at the same time looking at each other.

"George, Roxy, Delia, get out here now!" I hear Nelly yell from outside "Delia, George, Roxy get out here now where leaving" We hear again I grab George and we walk out with Roxy to see Nelly and Rasselas waiting on their horses.

"what's going on," Roxy asks "Come on" Nelly yells again as we walk over "We need our stuff" George yells "Forget your stuff, I said now! Come on let's go" Nelly yells helping George and I get onto her horse  "Hurry up! Rasselas, go" Nelly yells still panicking "Roxy, come on up," Rasselas says helping Roxy onto his horse.

We ride off extremely fast "What's happened, where are we going?" George asks holding on for dear life in between us "I'll tell you when we get there" Nelly says next thing I know she's screaming as we ride off.


sorry it's short.

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