Chapter 7

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"Did you nad any lolly when you borrowed this bone shaker?" he asks us making me smile he got the right kind of idea.

"A few quid, maybe," Nelly says "Right well, let's you and me pretend to be Lord and Lady so-and-so and hire a good set of rooms in a nice hotel in a indifferent little town for a few days you've got the clothes for it let's use them" Charles say with a smirk on his face.

"What are you on about?" Nelly asks, I won't lie I felt a little jealous knowing that they would be pretending to be a couple "I'm on about hiding in plain sight, Nelly Jackson which amounts to no hiding at all just changing who you appear to be," He says sounding a bit stupid.

"What about us," I ask not quite understanding the whole plan "Well Ladyship must have a lady's maid, and perhaps her Ladyship is traveling with her eccentric little cousin and her governess, and of course, lord so-and-so must have a fine footman," Charles says with the biggest smirk I have ever seen I think this man is crazy.

"Yeah, or you could be my footman," Rasselas says holding the knife closer to his throat "Just think, hot food, ugh, warm beds, clean clothes, roof over your heads," Charles says as Nelly looks at all of us girls silently begging to just do it.

"While you and me work out your next move," Charles says making me really like the idea of hot food and a warm bed "Why? Why would you do that? What's in it for you?" Nelly asks him making me wonder if this is going to happen.

"I like a adventure," Charles says making me smirk "Hmm," Nelly says looking at me for what I think.

"Nelly sit still I need this to look perfect," I say pulling her hair so she'll stop moving "Ow can you pull any harder," Nelly says making me laugh "Okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'm just nervous what if this fails badly Nelly what are we to do then?" I asked with slight panic.

"We will be fine no one will know and if they find out nothing will happen I mean did you not see what I did to Thomas and that man early" Nelly said as I finished up her hair "Okay but what about the girls you can't protect us all," I say as Nelly turns to sit in front of me.

"I can and I will I'm Nell fucking Jackson," she says making me laugh "Okay okay, and can you believe what Rasselas said, I could never tell yo-the guy I like that," I said hopping she didn't hear that, Nelly just smirks "Yeah, what he said was weird, so who is this guy?" Nelly asks making me blush.

"No one, come on finish getting ready we have to go soon," I say patting her on the arm as walk over to George and Roxy to do their hair as well.

We are all standing in the lobby of the hotel as we pay for our rooms "How remarkably hideous, is that a woman" Charles says looking at Nelly's wanted poster "Of course, it is" George says not getting the point of what he's trying to do "Ann" he says signaling me to do something.

"Bethsheba children should be seen, but not heard," I say trying to act like the governess I saw in town once, George looks down making me feel bad "Doesn't her countenance send chills down your spine?" Charles says as the man checking us in gives us weird looks.

"Oh, on the contrary, it's the other that unnerves me see how one of his eyes is so much smaller than the other?" Nelly says making me smile "Yes ma'am, rather grotesque" Rasselas says making me and George giggle "Well, I don't see that, she's rather ratty," Charles says trying to define himself "Hmm" Nelly turns to me.

"Do you think he looks a bit smelly from the left?" she asks me "Oh, yes ma'am real bad" I say with a smile as she smirks at me "I guarantee you that's the first time she's been wanted" Charles says making Nelly fake laugh "Very good. No, honestly I just want to punch him in the face" Nelly says with a fake smile.

"A bit old to be a highwaywoman," Charles says I Stopped listening and looked at the little boy behind the table he looked like he knew something was at play here "Do you think his nose looks like, a dog's tallywhacker? do you agree?" Nelly says pulling me out of that thought giggling.

"What do you think?" Charles asks the man checking us in he looks at the posters "Both as vile as each other, sir" he says going back to writing in his book "Oh. Our rooms?" Charles says sounding embarrassed.

The man gives the key to the young boy to show us to our rooms "This way, Lord Shankley" he says leading the way Nelly grabs a hold of my arm as we walk "Do you think so?" She asks me smiling "Yes," I say laughing as we walk to our rooms.


The next day

"Nelly can we talk outside" I ask her as we sit in one of our rooms with Roxy and George. "Yeah is anything wrong," Nelly asks looking concerned "No, just meet me outside," I say leaving the room to take a walk.

"Hey Ann" Nelly says walking up to me and trying to see if anyone is around "It's just us," I say feeling like this was a bad idea "So what's going on Delia," Nelly asks looking me in the eyes.

"Well I wanted to tell you this a long time ago but then we got in that big fight before you left with your husband to go fight and stuff but I think I am starting to fancy you, I know that's a lot to say but I just wanted t-" I say rambling on before Nelly pulls in for a kiss to shut me up.

She pulls away "You need to learn to shut up," Nelly says with a smirk on her face, making me blush "Okay," I say smiling silly "I like you too Delia, the reason I was so mad at you when I left was that I wanted you to tell me to stay or stop me but I realize now I was wrong for the way I acted," Nelly says making me blush.

I Put my hands on her face "I always wanted you to stay Nelly" I say before pulling her in for a kiss, we pull away when we need air "Okay" Nelly says putting her hands on my hip "God did I miss you the most" she says making me laugh as she pulls me in for one last kiss.


thank you all so much for the kind comments and votes everyone I hope you all have a wonderful day

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