Chapter 14

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George here Deila me and a toff called "Polly Honeydrone" have been snatched by the strollers they thought she was you, Roxy. They've taken us to a barn outside Uffington where they'll trade our safe return for Nell.


Pov Aunt Mary

I walked downstairs and smelled Esther making me and Delia some food "Good morning miss, your coffee is on the table and food will be out in a minute miss" she greeted me "Where is Deila she's usually up earlier than me?" I ask walking around the kitchen and looking for my niece "She must still be in bed I haven't seen her yet Miss" She says plating my food.

"Well, I'll go get her," I say walking out of the kitchen and upstairs looking for her along the way "Delia" I call out as I knock on the door "Delia, Esther has made food and we have to be at the shop in 30 minutes love" I say knocking on the door once more.

"Deila I'm coming in," I say as I slowly open the door to see her bed made and her room clean, she must be getting ready in the bathroom, I walk down the hall to see her bathroom empty and she's nowhere to be found "Delia" I call as I walk downstairs.

"Esther, where is she," I ask as I see her walking past me "I don't know to miss last I saw of her, she was going with Becky walking to the pud to see George and Roxy Miss," she says making me worry about Delia.

"Well go to the pub and find her she didn't come home last night and we don't know where she is" I yell not meaning to be rude I can't lose the last person in my family "I'm sorry for yelling but get everyone out looking for her I won't lose the last part of my sister," I say as I walk down the Hall to my room to grab my gun


Delia Pov

I feel us stop George and I share a look "I thought you were magic during your show" George says making the women in the corner smile "So why go around kidnapping folk?" she asks making me feel bad I know she really looked up to these people and they just broke her heart.

They looked at each other "We used to be a proper troupe we was at Drury Lane" the redhead said "But there were some bad reviews Japhia lost his part" The other one said finishing for her "So?" I ask "So he beat the poor sod who replaced him half to death," The redhead said making all of us look at each other in fear.

"The entire troupe was tarred with the same brush no theater would take us after that now were hedge-crawlers, barely scraping a living and now with a baby on the way," The woman says not moving from her spot "All he wants is to be known applauded like he was," The redhead says rubbing her pregnant belly.

"These shows are from years and years ago," George says looking at the news sheats around us on the carriage walls "Mm," the redhead says as we hear Japhia outside talking they shush us as he talks outside scaring me of what he might do to us all.

"Just do what he says and he won't hurt you," The redhead says as she stands up and starts putting the bag back on Polly's head, Japhia opens the door "Good morning, good morning," He says putting his hands in the air like this is some show.

"You've... You've got..." The woman says trying to tell him he's got blood on his face "Ah" He says wiping it off "A farmer had some misgivings about loaning us his barn, for our performance" He says walking up to us and taking George's glasses as we sit still not wanting to making him mad.

"But we've sorted it all out now," He says backing away as he puts the glasses in his pocket, I wonder what he needs with them "Why has the poor dove still got this on?" He asks as he pulls the bag off Polly's head looking confused.

"Look, we was gonna..." the redhead says stuttering her words barely able to talk as she covers her mouth "Who's this?" he asks before dropping the bag "Amorous," he says with anger dripping from his voice as he walks out of the carriage.

"Amorous, you thick idiot sod!" He yells next thing we hear is a poor man screaming as he is beaten, George hugs me tight along with Polly as I pull them both close and we wait for him to stop.

he walks back in closes the carriage door and sits down making us all flinch "What a blunderbuss, eh? Now we have this useless bit of raspberry to be rid of" He says making me fear for Polly's life.

"I... my papa is very rich," Polly says as we all hold hands "How rich?" He asks acting like he would kill all of now if he could "He sells periwigs, everyone wears periwigs" She says as she looks at the women in the corner for help "Well, that's fine then" He says getting all happy.

The way he changes his emotions scares me "I suppose we won't kill you just yet" He says with a smile as we all take a relived breath "I hope your sister ain't late" He says making George and I look down "Your lover will come soon don't worry" He says making me look up at him in shock, how could he know


Aunt Mary's Pov

"We've got everyone in town looking for my girl where could she be" I yell at the man telling me the news of nothing as we walk down the streets "Miss Mary, Miss Mary, I have news" I hear Esther yell behind me.

"What" I ask Feeling a thousand emotions "Delia and George were kidnaped last night by the men in the play, they want Nell in return for her alive," She says making me feel like I could fall to my knees at any moment "well where is this Nell person at and how do we fix this?" I ask The man standing beside me.

"Well I can send some men out there right now but Nell, we don't know who they are or how to find them," He says making me infuriated at his answer "Okay send your men," I say walking to the pub to talk to the Roxy girl who Delia said was her best friends.

"Roxy" I yell as I walk around the Pub "Yes" I hear from a teenage girl "What do we do about our girls missing?" I ask her as she stands in front of me "I don't know my aunt told me you already sent men to find them, I Guess there is nothing we can do if Nell doesn't come back in time" She says making my stomach drop.

We both walk about side to see if there's any news on our girls "Nell" Roxy says walking up to some women I have never met "Someone's got George and my Delia?" One of the women says I assume Nell.

"Some strollers they want you, Nell, in exchange. Um, we got this toff to read out the ransom note they've got his betrothed too, and she already sent men out looking for her niece" She says grabbing the toff by this arm "Yes so I... I'd better be off" He says making me turn and look at this man like he was crazy.

"I thought you loved her?" Roxy asks "I do. Of course but love and circumstances don't always align" He says backing way into his carriage "Dick" I whisper under my breath "Coward We've got to go Nell they've had George and Delia all night and uncle jack won't find them, not in time" Roxy says starting to panic making me as well.

"We can go straight to Uffington," Roxy says "Please I can't lose Delia like I lost her mom" I pled with Nell "I need a horse, quickly," Nell said making me feel some hope "Becky, horse," The woman beside me says.

I walk over to Esther "Nell is going to get our girl" I say hugging her feeling like I Might cry "You mean she's going to get her girl Miss," she says making me confused, I pull away from our hug "What do you mean her girl?" I ask "Well not too long ago I saw Delia and Nelly making out in the front hall awhile ago Miss," she says making me even more confused.

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