The start of an end pt 2 (REWRITTIEN A BIT)

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as I woken up, I was in a.... classroom..? Where the heck was I? I started getting up from a desk to explore the place.

I first noticed some paper on a podium. As I got near it, I was able to read what it said.

"Please meet at the gym at 11:00"

11:00? I looked at the clock from above and... CRAP! ITS 10:57 OH SH×T OH SH×T OH SH×T! I sprinted through the hallway, and saw a door that looked like it led to the gym, so I ran there.




But then I accidentally tripped on something, causing me to come flying off the door, and slamming into the ground. It hurt ALOT. and by alot, I meant alot. Like, alot alot... alo- okay I'll stop... when I had the strength to sit up, I saw 41 other students in the gym..


Haha it's rewritten

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