3. A Rake

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There was not a rake to be as well-known, or as ill-known as Christopher Fanshawe among all of Oxford students. He was charming for sure- he had an alluring smile, an appealing demeanour, an appearance of an amiable disposition, a face youthful enough to make everyone admire, nay, even worship him. While most of it is true, the real Christopher Fanshawe the future Duke of Everstonshire is far from what he appears to be. Being liked by all enables him to conceal the parts of his life he may not necessarily want to dwell upon.

Clara Waverley decides to take an instant dislike to Christopher Fanshawe. She does not have to make a decision in that direction, for it happens as naturally as clouds may pour rain, or the sea may have waves. Her arrival at Oxford is not be sullen by an image of a man kissing a woman in the middle of the night, and that too, loud enough to let those around him know his present actions. It is, to Clara, the most ungentlemanly behaviour. Victor's actions seem negligible, and forgivable when contrasted with Fanshawe. Still standing with her back to the door in her nightgown, she only hopes for Christopher Fanshawe to have not noticed her peeping through the door. If he demands an audience now, she would have to give it. Time would then be insufficient to change into a man's clothes and look like one.

The only thing she hears, however, is a door being shut. Christopher Fanshawe has retired to his room. This however, irks Clara further, for he did not deem it essential to explain such a scene to the new tenant. Inappropriate behaviour as such must be followed by a clarification. She is displeased at Mrs. Mortimer for having constructed that extra stairway allowing men to engage in sinful acts without notice, and destroy propriety. Being a woman herself, Mrs. Mortimer must ensure that no women may be entertained in a lodging such as hers, and thus their virtue be violated. Clara is aware of the futility of her argument- she is one woman who is lodging at the inn dressed as a man, and there would be none like her. In this situation, the owner would merely do what satisfies men, and a woman's concern's would go unheard. Money, after all, seems to be of prime importance here. Utalitarianism-- something that Clara recently read about and has been hearing about-- seems to be the governing principle of this place. Pleasure has been made the ultimate goal, much to Clara's annoyance.

She decides that, from Mr. Fanshawe, distance must be maintained.

At dawn, Simon departs for Crestwood, leaving Clara all alone in this new city. He reassures her about finding Victor so that her sufferings may end soon. She might however hope for a delay in finding in Victor since it provides her more time alone to discover the world on her own terms. She has already dressed up as Victor, ready to take on anything that might come her way.

When she reaches the upper floor, she witnesses a rather shocking sight. Christopher Fanshawe is at his door, kissing the woman from the previous night, a goodbye. The kiss is not on the cheek, but lips. Clara shuts her eyes at the sight. She grabs the railing tight, and starts moving towards her own room with slow, calculated steps, to not be caught witnessing their act of lovemaking. Unknown to her, such acts as her do not bear a successful fruition, rather, stand a chance to be misinterpreted owing to their circumstances.

"Why would you do that?", comes a rather deep voice belonging to Mr. Fanshawe. His boyish looks and his voice are incompatible in nature, just as much as he and the Victor Waverley standing in front of him would be.

Clara stops in her tracks and opens her eyes. The woman moves towards the stairs and begins descending. Christopher Fanshawe approaches her.

"Glad to make your acquaintance, Mr. ..." He looks at Clara imploringly.

"Mr. Victor Waverley." Saying thus, Clara makes her first acquaintance with someone from Oxford. "And I am not pleased to make your acquaintance." She gives a stiff smile to Christopher before entering her room and bolting the door behind her.

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