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EARTH. (open)
   the guardian of the EARTH element is a grounded and steadfast GOLEM named GAIA. her power is held in a silver necklace with a small leaf charm. it grants the holder geokinesis, chlorokinesis, enhanced strength, and seismic sense.

WATER. (open)
   the guardian of the WATER element is a enigmatic and fluid LEVIATHAN named MARIS. his power is held in an blue and white beaded anklet. it grants the holder hydrokinesis, aquatic adaptation, and healing.

AIR. (open)
   the guardian of the AIR element is a graceful and free-spirited SYLPH named AERIS. her power is held in a cloud shaped hair pin. it grants the holder aerokinesis, flight, and enhanced speed.

FIRE. (closed)
   the guardian of the FIRE element is a passionate and fiesty PHOENIX named EMBER. his power is held in a red and orange beaded bracelet. it grants the holder pyrokinesis, regeneration, heat resistance, and flight.


   the guardian of the ELECTRICITY element is a playful and energetic YELLOW FOX named SPARK. his power is held in a yellow thunder shaped brooch. it grants the holder electrokinesis, enhanced speed, and electric discharge.

SPIRIT. (closed)
   the guardian of the SPIRIT element is a protective and spiritual WOLF named ECHO. his power is held in a jade pendant. it grants the holder empathy, astral projection, spiritual manipulation, and telepathy. the KEEPER of the elements typically holds this element.

TIME. (closed)
   the guardian of the TIME element is a wise and patient OWL named NOCTURNA. her power is held in a grey watch. it grants the holder chronokinesis, time travel, and precognition. the holder of this element must live in the clock of life, assuring everything is in order.

LIGHT. (open)
   the guardian of the LIGHT element is a bright and hopeful BUTTERFLY named RADIANCE. her power is held in a pair of golden earrings. it grants the holder photokinesis, healing light, illumination, and enhanced speed.

DARKNESS. (open)
   the guardian of the DARKNESS element is a mysterious and cunning BLACK CAT named NYX. his power is held in a black, lacy choker. it grants the holder umbrakinesis, invisibility, and enhanced stealth.

CHAOS. (closed)
   the guardian of the CHAOS element is a unpredictable and wild DRAGON named HAVOC. her power is held in a ruby ring. it grants the holder chaos manipulation, transformation, and reality warping. it is said this is the most powerful element.

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