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After having ramen, we both laid on the bed side by side, staring at the ceiling in silence.

There was a silence between us before she started giggling.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Isn't it so funny how I didn't even know you that well six months back and now you're playing such a big part in my life?" She said.

"I could say the same for you." I shrugged.

"What even made you notice me?" She turned towards me. I turned too.

"Michael literally introduced you to me." I chuckled.

"No, but like I'm sure there are many people you met with better personalities." She said.

"Who said I liked you for your personality?" I smirked.

The smile wiped off from her face, "Okay. Good night."

She turned around and was about to go to sleep but I laughed, and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards me.

"I was kidding, my girl." I said.

"Your girl?" She turned back around.

"Well, not yet exactly. But we'll get there." I said.

She chuckled, putting her leg on top of mine.

"To answer your question, it was attraction at first sight." I said.

"It's love at first sight, though." She mumbled.

"I think it's unfair to say love at first sight. You don't even know the person or how he/she is inside. A guy could be insanely good looking but who knows he could be a murderer." I said.

"Why are you suddenly being so philosophical?" She asked, and I chuckled.

I smiled widely, "You're beautiful."

"Outside or inside?" She asked, raising her brow playfully.

"Both." I smiled.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Your hair is so soft, and everytime I hug you, I can smell vanilla. I love vanilla."

"And your eyes? They're so pretty, and it's so cute when they sparkle when you talk about something you love." I said. "If I have to talk about how you actually are as a person, I'd have to make a list of things I love about y-"

By the time I finished my sentence, she had already climbed on top of me, and kissed me.

"Thank you for making me feel valued, Mark." She whispered.

"Of course you're valued." I said.

"I'm valued by my parents only when my brother is not there." She sighed.

"Hey." I stared at her. "I thought it was alright between you guys now."

"It is...because my brother is in Australia for now. When he was with us, oh, god." She laid her head down on my chest.

"I worked so hard for everything, to make them proud. Scored well in exams, got into medical college-"

"You were a medicine student?" I asked.

"My parents wanted me to be one." She mumbled. "I wanted to become a baker. But still, I studied hard, got into college."

"When I went to tell my parents, they didn't listen. Instead, they changed the topic with how well my brother made an omelette for the first time. He was 24 at that time."

I Wanna Be Yours | mark lee.Where stories live. Discover now