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I woke up but I was too tired to move. My body was in so much pain, and my head felt heavy. My phone kept vibrating on the bedside table.

My dogs were on the bed with me. Maybe they realised I was not well and they wanted to give me company.

Cooper was still getting comfortable with the place but having him snuggled up against my feet was nice.

I finally gathered all my strength to grab my phone from the bedside table. 8 missed calls from Mark.

I slowly tapped away on the phone, and called him back.

He immediately picked up.

"Julie!" He sighed.

"Hey..." I coughed, "Sorry. I was sleeping."

"Dude, are you sick?" He asked. "I'm outside."

"Yeah. I think I have fever." I said.

"Is there anyway I can come inside without having you getting up from bed? It's kind of raining..." He said.

"Yeah...um, you see the mailbox?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He said.

"There would be a key inside. Under the bottom most letter." I said. "Take it, and come through the back door."

"Stay with me on the call." He said and I heard him shuffling through the letters for a key. "Got the keys. Now backdoor."

A few seconds later, I heard him open the back door, and climb up the stairs.

"Jules?" He called out.

"Here!" I tried to shout but my sore throat didn't let me.

He soon figured out the way to my room, and opened the door.

"Oh, dear." He sighed.

The dogs got up, wagging their tales as they ran up to him.

"Are you okay?" He quickly came up to me, and touched my head. "Dude, you're burning. Did you take any medicine?"

"Yeah." I nodded, as he grabbed a stool, and sat down beside my bed.

"Did you eat anything?" He asked.

"Sora made me some soup and she took the dogs for a walk." I said.

"That's okay." He smiled. "Do you need anything?"

"Not really." I stared at him.

"I can make you some ginger tea if you want." He offered.

"I'm fine, Mark." I said. "Just sit here with me."

He smiled, staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"The big snot coming out of your nose." He said.

"What the fuck?!" I quickly covered my face.

"Hey, I was kidding." He chuckled, pulling the cover down.

"Mark?" I looked at him. "Is it bad that I cried all night?"

"For...him?" He asked and I nodded slowly. "It's okay. It was a long relationship."

"I've never felt this lonely." I sniffled. "I don't have any real friends, the only friend I had was him-"

"I'm your friend, Julie." Mark said. "And I know it sounds crazy because it's not even been a month since we met, but...I have a feeling we're gonna be besties for life, you know what I mean?"

"That was such a baby girl thing to say, Mark." I chuckled.

"Oh, man, it's raining so hard. How do I go back-" Mark looked outside the window.

I Wanna Be Yours | mark lee.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora