Chapter 80

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Alma hadn't been taking great care of herself after Victor's death. She couldn't be bothered to. As long as her wards were taken care of, she was okay.

She lost track of her schedule, accidently sleeping a half an hour past when she should have been up making breakfast. Ignoring the pain in her head and the chill that ran through her, she quickly changed and did her hair before going downstairs.

"Miss Peregrine, are you alright?" Olive asked. She and Horace were the only ones awake at the time. "You look tired."

"Of course, dears. I apologize for being behind schedule." She says softly, immediately heading to the kitchen to make breakfast but had to stop herself by the doorway, feeling slightly faint.

"You don't seem alright." Horace observes, noticing the stumble and Alma sighed, regaining herself.

"Don't worry about me, I'm doing just fine." Alma said with a small forced smile.

They both watched the older woman head into the kitchen, trying to prepare breakfast and noticed how off she was acting.

Olive suddenly wrapped her arms tightly around the ymbryne. "You don't have to talk to us, I know we're just kids. But we're worried about you."

"I'm alright, dear." She says simply, gently squeezing her shoulder before going back to the task.

"You feel awfully warm." Olive mentions, not letting go of her just yet.

"I'll be okay, darling, I promise." Alma said gently, wrapping her arms around her and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

"Maybe you should lay down." Horace offers. "We can handle breakfast, we've been here for a while now."

"Oh no, I can do it. It's my job after all. I'm more than happy to care for you all." Alma said gently.

"That doesn't mean you should stop taking care of yourself." Olive says, looking up at her and Alma glance away, biting down on the inside of her cheek.

"Please? We'd like to do this for you." Horace said to her.

"I appreciate the offer dear, but I've got it handled. Why don't you both wake the others?" She offers, moving back over to deal with the food.

The two sent her a sad look and walked off to do as told. They just wanted to help but didn't know how.

Alma tried to ease the shaking in her hands as she started making food, taking a small breath in in hopes of easing the dizziness she felt.

She needed sleep, and to actually eat something. But her children came first.

"Everyone's up now, we can take over if you'd like." Horace mentions again, this time Emma behind the boy, her arms crossed and looking at her ymbryne unsure.

"Really, I'm alright dear. I can handle breakfast just fine." Alma reassured him.

"We're not that young. We know you're not okay, you don't need to lie to us." Emma said.

"I'm not lying, Miss Bloom and I'd prefer you not to assume so." She says in a slight firm tone.

"Pardon me for giving a shit about you." Emma said, upset.

"Miss Bloom!" Alma said with a gasp, surprised by her language.

"What? Are you going to let us help or not?" She says irritated and Horace elbowed her in the arm.

"I'm sure she isn't trying to be incredibly rude, Miss Peregrine." He says, shooting the girl a glare.

"Maybe I am." Emma said with a glare. "You're not okay and you're lying about it. And then you lie about lying! You can't actually be serious. We care about you."

"Even if I'm not, I am still perfectly capable of staying on schedule. Go take a seat in the dining room, Miss Bloom." She says and based on her tone, Emma looked at her upset before leaving, Horace taking one last glance at her before following.

Alma let out a sigh as she finished working on the breakfast. She didn't want to upset her wards, but she also didn't want to tell them what was wrong. It wasn't any of their concern.

After Olive helped her set the table she set the food down, but didn't sit down herself.

"Where are you going?" Fiona asks, Alma about to leave the room.

"I just need to tend to some things, go ahead and eat." She says, leaving before they could ask anything more.

The children all looked around and Emma let out a scoff. "What?" Millard looked at her, curious and a bit confused.

"Emma, just eat." Horace says, unamused and the children picked at their food, wondering what their ymbryne was up to.

Alma was upstairs meanwhile, her stomach a mess and she nervously paced her room.

Alma wasn't sure what to do. She was ashamed. She'd lost Victor and now she was acting terribly. She just wanted a hug. She wanted Esmé. Alma hadn't thought about her in so long.

She felt the burning in her eyes return as the years built, hiding her face in her arms as she sunk down to the floor, keeping herself silent.

She missed Victor, but she couldn't keep him safe and now he's gone. She half wondered she'd never be able to see Esmé again. She gave up on them both and she was mad at herself that she did.

Victor was dead, Esmé was out of her reach. And she felt so alone. Alma tried to stop the tears but they fell despite her efforts.

She hid her face in her arms in an attempt to stop them but failed, suddenly looking up when she heard someone at her door.

"Miss Peregrine?" She heard the worried voice of Olive at the door. "May I come in?"

"I'll be out in a moment, dear." Alma says, hurrying to stand but before she could pull herself together, the girl came in.

Olive saw the tears running down her ymbryne's face and grew worried. She closed the door behind her and rushed over to the woman and brought her tightly into her arms.

Alma didn't even try to bother, falling to her knees as she felt herself break in the girls arms. She felt horrible for putting this on her, but she couldn't keep it together.

Olive held her close as she sat with her on the floor. She didn't mind being there for the ymbryne. She just wanted her to be okay.

"You feel extremely warm." Olive says softly, feeling the warmth radiating off of her. "You should lay down. I know you're going to argue and deny what I'm going to say, but you need to take care of yourself in order to care for us." She says, pulling away to look at her but Alma wouldn't meet her eyes. She couldn't believe she was humiliating herself like this.

"Miss Peregrine." Olive said, making her look up at her. "I'm serious. Please lay down, just for a little? I'll bring you up something small to eat."

"Olive." Alma goes to say but the girl shook her head.

"Go lay down. I'll leave you alone even if you want me to, but I'm not going until you start caring for yourself just like you do with us." She says firmly, the ymbryne glancing back down at the floor.

"This is just.. really embarrassing." Alma sighed. "I'm sorry. This shouldn't be any of your concern."

"You don't need to be embarrassed." She says softly and Alma chewed on the inside of her cheek, avoiding her eyes.

"I love you, you're like a mother to me." Olive said to her. "I'm always going to be here for you, regardless of whether or not you want me to be."

Alma felt the tears burn her eyes once more and she looked down, embarrassed and angry at herself.

"I'll leave you alone. Just try to get some rest." Olive says quietly, pulling away and leaving the room.

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