Chapter 52

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It's been 10 years. Alma finally had the ability to control the manipulation of time after years of practice till it was perfect. She was given her wards after she created her loop, nervous to work with the children, but they seemed grateful to have her. She couldn't help but wonder what Esmé has been up to. With her loop. Or why she hasn't visited.

Alma knew she shouldn't dwell on the past, but she couldn't stop thinking about her. Esmé had never loved her back, she knew it. But she couldn't get over her.

"Miss Peregrine? Where was my room again?" She looked over and seen Hugh by the kitchen doorway, seeming a bit nervous around his ymbryne. "I'm sorry, I forgot where it was again."

"It's perfectly alright, Hugh." She said with a gentle smile. "Follow me, dear." She said softly as she walked upstairs.

She noticed Emma upstairs unpacking the small bag she had with her, but when she caught her ymbrynes gaze she looked at her unsure as Alma walked by.

"Here's your room." Alma says softly and Hugh thanks her. "Don't be afraid to ask me anything."

"Okay." The boy says softly and Miss Peregrine sent him a soft smile before leaving and checking on her other wards.

"How are you, Emma?" Alma asked her ward. The girl simply shrugged. Each of her wards were still nervous around her.

"Do you need help with anything?" She asks gently and Emma shook her head. "Alright, but if you need help with anything I'll be just downstairs."

Alma was about to leave when Emma spoke up. "Miss Peregrine?" The woman turned to look back at the girl. "Thank you."

"Of course, dear." Alma says with a smile. "Make yourself comfortable." Emma sent her a small smile before her ymbryne went down stairs.

Alma sat on the couch in the parlor, holding a book. But she wasn't reading it. Alma was thinking of Esmé. And she wished she could just forget about her.

She looked over at the small photo that was framed on the nightstand, her heart aching when she seen her and Esmé when they were younger. She gently sat the frame down, not wanting to look at something she couldn't get back.

Alma tried to fight the tears in her eyes as she thought of the woman she'd fallen in love with all those years ago.

"Miss Peregrine?" It was Olive, holding Claire. They were two of her more comfortable wards. "Are you okay?"

"Of course." She says, managing a smile. "Do you two need anything?"

"Why are you sad?" Claire asked, Olive setting her down. The little girl rushed over to her ymbryne.

"I'm not, dear." Alma says with a small smile. "Are you two doing alright?"

"Just came to ask what's for dinner." Olive said. "Because Claire needs meat and all."

"Of course. I heard ahead of time about what all of you need so no need to worry." Alma says. "Tonight we'll be having turkey and some soup if that's alright with you all."

"That sounds good, thank you." Claire said with a smile.

"Of course." Alma smiled at her.

"Who's that?" Olive asks quietly and Alma looked at her confused. "The one in the photo. I seen it when we first came here."

Alma looked over and her smile fell. "I was just wondering because you both looked so happy. I'm curious." Olive said softly.

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