☆ part 25 !!

166 3 16

gwen's pov.

 I arrived like at 8:57 pm. 

I actually kinda liked my outfit, it looked really good.

-Gwen! Hey dude!- The annoyingly fun ray of sunshine called Geoff waved as I entered.

-Hey Geoff! How are you? Its been a while.- I answered

-Yea, you never called!-

-Whatever!- I jokingly said . I fist bumped him and started looking for her. I NEED to talk to her , as fast as possible. 

Looking in the crowd, I found a lot of things I want to unsee. Like for example, Izzy using Harold as a bow tie. How is that humanly possible? I don't know. Walking around, pushing people aside, and then I see her.

 Dark, flowy hair .. Tanned skin.. Gorgeous outfit..Just, sitting there and laughing.. How can somebody be so beautiful, in the inside and the outside, and just be so, hated? How? How could she just sit there, giggle, and look so stupidly beautiful? That's.. Wow.. 

I take a step, 2...

-OKAY PEOPLE!!!!!! WHO WANTS TO PLAY A GAME?!!- Duncan randomly said out of no where.. Wow, dude.

She stepped up and followed everyone. I finally gave up and accompanied the others.


I need something to distract myself.

-Ill do it.- I groaned and walked up to him.

-Oh, hey Gwen!- He said flirtingly

-Don't bother. Let's do this.- I said and took a shot.


Heather's pov.

She kept chugging down the alcohol. Duncan couldn't do it no more.

-FINE, yOU winNnn!- he slurred out

-HhAh! take THat- she said , not being able to control her balance. I came closer to her.

-Gwen, stop.- I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder

-lEAVe me aLONE mum!-

-Im NOT your mum, Gwen. Come on, ill give you a glass of water- I demanded. I turned around and waved at Courtney , as a sign that she comes with us.

-uh, ok..- she gulped

We got to the kitchen and I served Gwen some water.

She started walking towards Court stumbling. 

-WhO ARe yoUU, bEatuful LadYe?- She slurred out, pointing courtney , with a hand on her knee.

-Uh, Heather?- She asked a little red

-Gwen, she is your friend, don't you remember her?- I stated

-OOhH, thAT oNE girl RIGht??? I thiNK yoR Name Was CouRTNEI-

-Yes, that's me.-

-yoURE like, REALlyY CutE!- She stumbled once again and hugged her

I tried to hold my laughter.

-You're drunk..- She tried explaining

-nO, IM gWEN!-


Courtney's pov.

After a while and having to handle Gwen's stupid pick up lines, I couldn't do it anymore. I was fucking red and I couldn't talk or defend my position because I was stuttering , I decided.. Alright, Heather decided, that I should take Gwen home and take care of her.

-Gwen, we need to go home.-

-ArE yOU suRE yoURE Not a secrET aGEnnt? BecAuSE YoUve got mE FEELINGGng liIKE IE NeD to COnFEss My fEeliNGs FOr yOUUu-

-WHAT?!- I shouted, scared as hell.. WHAT FEELINGS ?

-wHAT aboUT iT soCK 1 ?-

- sock 1?- I asked

-yEA, Im SocCK 2! BeCAUse If You AND i WerE SockS , wE'd MaKE A GREat Pair!-

-oh, my god.- I facepalmed

-aRe YOu FrENCH? bEcause EiffEL For YoU!-

-Come on, Im taking you home.-

I took her but she didn't want to walk.







She just fucking jumped into my arms.

-Gwen, im not going to carry your drunk ass around.-

-TruST Me, CutIE. Im NOT dRunk, Im JusT iNtOXicatEd bY YOuu- She slurred out and i started to blush again.


-YEs Ma'Am.-

Geoff entered the room, and saw her in my arms as she hugged my neck.

-Uhh.. Guys, if you could just continue what you're doing but uhh.. there's a room over there, just.. not in the kitchen..-

-We are not doing anything-


-.. Im taking Ms Wild Girl home. -

-I didn't think Gwen was a raging lesbian but ok- HE JUST SAID THAT AND LEFT.


I want to commit not alive.


Author's pov.

H-H-H-H-H-Hey guys🥺

Yea i came back i didn't die dw 😁💪

This is shit but okay, have your food 

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