☆ part 10 !!

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Gwen's pov.

After Heather gave me the envelope, i sat on my ''bed''. You know what it is not even a bed , they're just bricks and rocks in sheets! 

Anyway, i opened it with my nail, and took the letter.

'Dear Gwen,

I love your letters. They make me smile, but not as much as your company.

I also miss you. I miss us, the time we spent together..

It was heaven on earth.

I also wish we could talk about this.. In person, as you say.

Yours forever ever, Courtney.'

-AAHHHHH- I screamed loudly and began to sob uncontrollably while hugging the letter.

-Shut the fuck up!, Its 8 am!!-

-oh! sorry..- I replied

-You idiot.- Heather said as soon as I apologized

I smiled at Heather and hugged the letter again.

-ATTENTION CAMPERS!- Chris annouced that the challenge was about to begun. I left the letter inside my bag and went outside with heather

While we where walking to the place chris asked us to go, Heather apologized to me for something that happened the other night. I obviously accepted her apology, I couldn't say no,  she's been helping me with this whole Courtney thing, and even apologizing? I couldnt believe myself..

I catched Courtney glaring at me and smiling. But when she noticed i was seeing her, she looked another way. Aw, she's the cutest alive!

Duncan saw me looking at Court's side

-what, is she blanking you now?- he asked with a eyebrow up and smiling. i guess he didn't see her just looking my way.

When we reached Chris, he was wearing his usual clothes , a war hat and sunglasses ?? dude, is he weird.

He introduced Sam back from exile, and the hamsters were all giving him food they snuggled from breakfast, except courtney. Well, who can blame her? they aren't friends. I think.

Chris annouced the challenge was paintballs, but with leeches. Wow, original. Team hamster had a head start for winning yesterday's challenge, so all of them ran to get the 'weapons'. When it was our turn we went to the better weapon's crate and got it.

We went to the forest and started the war. 

Zoey hit Alejandro.

Jo hit Scott..?

Mike hit Heather.

We went to get the other team with duncan.

-just pretend mike is courtney, and you'll clobber him in no time!- Duncan said.

I was starting to get angry.

-Do you think I've been attacking Courtney on purpose?!-

-Uhm.. Pretty much.. yeah.?-

-WHAT? You don't know me at all! She didn't do anything wrong to me, I deserved all of that!- I yelled at him. Sierra screamed behind us that she got us, but i threw a leech on her face before she could do anything. I was really mad at Duncan. She cheats on Court with her best friend and then expect me 2 hate her just because she was mad. OF COURSE she was gonna be mad.

-wow, chill-..- 

-no , im not chilling at all! Im mad that you think that i hate her! I just want her back, I miss her so much, n maybe kissing you was a mistake, if you think she exaggerated.-

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