Cp 15 First trial

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Currently, the night out, sukuna walked out of the building he was talking to. roswaal he saw emillia there Once he got out

Emilia: *sees him and smiles* It's nice to see you, sukuna

Sukuna: *smirks* You missed me already?

Even though it was in a playful tone, Emilia took it seriously

Emilia: W-well, of course I would miss the person I love dearly!

Sukuna smiled while still trying to get used to someone actually loving him

Sukuna: Relax, I was just joking.... but seriously, why did you wait here all day?

Emilia: *pouts* I wanted to make sure I could talk to you before I take the trials.

Sukuna: About that... Since I am also classified as a demi-human, I am going to take the trials.

Emilia looked at him in shock, surprised that he would do something like that

Emilia: *angry* Why won't you let me take the trials!?

Sukuna: *sighs* Remember when you first trained with cursed energy?

Emilia: *stops being angry to think and then remembers it* Yes, I have had since then to use love as cursed energy.

Sukuna: That's the main reason since all you were focusing on was a tiny, painful memory. I can already deduce that you will experience your worst nightmares without any support.

Emilia looked shocked since she thought that the memory she used was a strong trauma, but to know it wasn't made her hesitate

Emilia: *sighs* I guess you are right. If I shouldn't try to do something that would help nobody in these hard times

Sukuna: Thanks for understanding.

Before he started walking off to go do the trial, Emilia ran up and kissed him, which surprised him, but he accepted it and kissed back

After a minute, they stopped , and with a smile, sukuna said

Sukuna: *smiles* What was that for?

Emilia: *blushing* Just to make sure you come back to me!

Sukuna: *chuckles* I will always come back to you, Emilia, and that's a promise.

Emilia smiled and headed off while sukuna headed straight towards the trial door he saw earlier


Once he arrived at the door, he opened it, ready to see what this "trial" would show him

When he was in a dark room, he felt his soul being taken somewhere but couldn't stop it in time and past out

When he woke up, he was in a room he remembered all to when he was growing up

Sukuna: Ughh! *grabs head only to look around a second later* (Are these trials trying to show me something?)

Deciding to play along and see what this trial wanted while also seeing himself in a mirror looking like his eighteen year old self confusing him

Sukuna: *shrugs* (Maybe I am seeing a memory)

Once he got to the dining room, he saw his family, which he killed off a long time ago

Sukuna: (This is definitely a memory...)

But his father and mother noticed him

Father: Hey, son, come sit down and have breakfast with us!

Wanting to see where this goes does as instructed and sits down and starts eating while remembering his mother's cooking

Sukuna: (I wonder what the date is) Mother, what is today's date?

Mother: It's *insert date*

Sukuna: *eyes widen a little* ( Today's the day they die from me.... no wonder why I remembered this day a little) Thank you, Mother, but I would like it if you and father could follow me to the woods since I want to show you something

Sukuna looks shocked if his mind since he didn't said that, which made him think

Sukuna: (I am assuming it's making sure the memory doesn't change or.....)

Father and mother: Of course, son!


After a long day, sukunas body moved on its own and took him to the forest where his parents die

Sukuna: *sitting on a log waiting for them* (It was a good day.... I don't know what this feeling is, but it was nice to feel it)

He remembers his old days before he decided to cast out everything which was days his father helped him hunt while his mother taught him how to cook but his old self always saw what they did as weak while now he doesn't know what to think

Before he could continue, though, his father and mother finally arrived, but before anything could continue, sukuna felt like he was now out of his body watching everything happend which felt weird for him

Sukuna: *smirks and stands up* Finally, you arrived.

Father: Yea sorry son we had more chores to do today, but what do you want to show us?

Sukuna: I just want to say no hard feelings, but I need to do this so my journey can start!

Before they could ask what he meant past, sukuna used cleave on his father, which killed him on the spot while his mother was shocked, but past sukuna didn't stop he grabbed his mother throat and started choking her to death

Mother: *getting choked* Aggghh! W-why!?

Past sukuna: Simple because it makes me happy weakling!

All the present sukuna could see was fear in her eyes, but it didn't last long since past sukuna snapped her neck and dropped the body

Sukuna gets put back in his body while something watery comes out of his eyes, confusing him

Sukuna: *wipes it away* (Am I crying?)

Sukuna frowns while looking at his parents' dead body, but he then looks up

Sukuna: (I see it wants me to move on.... when I killed them, I didn't think of this, but ever since wanting to change, I felt something whenever I looked back at this memory)

He smiles while finally understanding an emotion that he cast out, which was sadness, but now that he understands, he decides to let the past be the past and only think now on what's happening in the present

When he did, he blacked out again and woke up in the dark room he was in before

Sukuna: *gets up* (I see, she would have never been able to handle these trials)


Hope you guys like it and sorry for them being short, but I have a lot of tests and final exams coming up so it's best I can do for the next couple weaks

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